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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 祇園 大渡 at Gion Oowatari (祇園 大渡)
祇園 大渡
松葉蟹season, and whilst the appetiser soup and shabu shabu crab were tasty, this is the reckoning. End game rice. Crab meat, crab miso, negi, seaweed, egg, shoyu. This rice is a proper singularity. Amazing.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事... More
祇園 大渡
松葉蟹season, and whilst the appetiser soup and shabu shabu crab were tasty, this is the reckoning. End game rice. Crab meat, crab miso, negi, seaweed, egg, shoyu. This rice is a proper singularity. Amazing.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchekyoto #kevche #owatari #gion #祇園 #大渡 #祇園大渡 #松葉蟹 #カニ #かに #kevchekappo TL4.43 @mahitoowatari Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 鮨まつもと at Sushi Matsumoto (鮨まつもと)
正直なところ、これまで京都で寿司を食べたことに感動しました。このお店に行く前はあまり期待していませんでした。 本当に素敵な場所でした! 松本さんはとてもフレンドリーで、にぎりは美味しかったです。 さらに、バランスのとれた赤酢シャリでした!... More
正直なところ、これまで京都で寿司を食べたことに感動しました。このお店に行く前はあまり期待していませんでした。 本当に素敵な場所でした! 松本さんはとてもフレンドリーで、にぎりは美味しかったです。 さらに、バランスのとれた赤酢シャリでした! 👌👌それはとてもおいしい食事でした!
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchekyoto #kevche #kevchesushi #matsumoto #鮨 #寿司 #すし #鮨まつもと TL3.80 M1* Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at LURRA at Lurra ° (LURRA°)
Scandinavian influenced innovative cuisine in Kyoto. There were some nice ingredients for early fall and well thought out combination of flavours. Beautiful counter seating and fun service. Chef worked at Noma before but I felt that he has created his own distinct style. Its nice to find these kinds of places popping... More
Scandinavian influenced innovative cuisine in Kyoto. There were some nice ingredients for early fall and well thought out combination of flavours. Beautiful counter seating and fun service. Chef worked at Noma before but I felt that he has created his own distinct style. Its nice to find these kinds of places popping up, especially in a place like Kyoto.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchekyoto #kevche #kevcheinnovative #lurra #kyoto #京都 M1* TL3.66 @lurra_kyoto Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 隼 Toshi at Toshi (隼)
1975 Clos de Tart クロ ド タール
Perhaps the oldest Clos de Tart i have tasted. Unexpected to say the least. There was some varnish on the nose and to start with but quite a strong sweet red berry on both nose and palate. The sweetness was reminiscent of some older wines which had doses of Gamay or something else... More
1975 Clos de Tart クロ ド タール
Perhaps the oldest Clos de Tart i have tasted. Unexpected to say the least. There was some varnish on the nose and to start with but quite a strong sweet red berry on both nose and palate. The sweetness was reminiscent of some older wines which had doses of Gamay or something else in it. Not something I expected from this. It feels a little tired on the palate and doesn't have much complexity. Relatively short finish.
Single largest GC monopole with 7.5ha+, located next to Bonnes Mares and in incidents in the past, actually taking over a small part of BM plots. It is difficult wine for me to fully understand and I think part of the reason is the size of the size. Its too big.
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #closdetart #クロドタール Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 無彩庵池田 at 無彩庵池田
2014 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee ドメーヌ ビゾ ヴォーヌ ロマネ
I complain about makers that are too stylistic all the time. At the same time I understand the delicate balance between representation of the winery style vs the plot style. I like Bizot because I think he has figured out how to find the balance.... More
2014 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee ドメーヌ ビゾ ヴォーヌ ロマネ
I complain about makers that are too stylistic all the time. At the same time I understand the delicate balance between representation of the winery style vs the plot style. I like Bizot because I think he has figured out how to find the balance. This 2014 VR shows the style of Bizot for sure, but I think also represents the spice and dark fruit of VR. But that Bizot purity and red fruit and perfume shows prominently. I like.
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #domainebizot #bizot #vosneromanee #ドメーヌビゾ #ヴォーヌロマネ Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 鮨 すが弥 at Sugaya (すが弥)
鮨 すが弥
すがやさんは2018年にこの店を開く前に、鮨あらいと鮨真で修行を積んでいました。 すがやさんは横井醸造の最高品質の酢を使用し、マグロはやま幸さんから来ています。 おつまみが好きでしたが、夕食はマグロが見どころです。... More
鮨 すが弥
すがやさんは2018年にこの店を開く前に、鮨あらいと鮨真で修行を積んでいました。 すがやさんは横井醸造の最高品質の酢を使用し、マグロはやま幸さんから来ています。 おつまみが好きでしたが、夕食はマグロが見どころです。 全体的には大丈夫だと思いましたが。しかし、食べ物とワインの価格は少し高いです。
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchesushi #鮨すが弥 #kevcheazabu #sushi #鮨 #すし #寿司 TL4.10 Less
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The place for lamb indulgence. Proper, proper lamb from Japan and Australia cooked right in front of you. So good. Then, there are those sausages... damn... mindblowing.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie... More
The place for lamb indulgence. Proper, proper lamb from Japan and Australia cooked right in front of you. So good. Then, there are those sausages... damn... mindblowing.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchelamb #hitsuji #羊sunrise #TL3.97 #ghenghiskhan Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 魚彩和みの宿 三水 at Sansui
2003 Prieuré St. Christophe Tradition ドメーヌ・プリウレ・サン・クリストフ
I think Mondeuse is one of the best representations of Savoie and few winemakers can top Michel Grisard's dedication to the grape. Made almost in a Burgundy manner, with 4ha of old vines in a very "natural" style, this is the definition... More
2003 Prieuré St. Christophe Tradition ドメーヌ・プリウレ・サン・クリストフ
I think Mondeuse is one of the best representations of Savoie and few winemakers can top Michel Grisard's dedication to the grape. Made almost in a Burgundy manner, with 4ha of old vines in a very "natural" style, this is the definition of what this region can achieve. Fresh, juicy dark and red fruits with an alluring finesse. There are soft tannins and good structure on this which I think is not quite the norm of Savoie. This cuvee only uses used barrels. This has quite a bit of life ahead, but damn good drinking now.
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #ドメーヌ#プリウレサンクリストフ #ミシェルグリザール Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at akordu at akordu (アコルドゥ)
Akordu アコルドゥ
最近のワインランチ。 ワオ。 そのような美しい建物。 デザインはよく考えられています。 私はミニマリズムとシンプルさが大好きですが、同時にそれは本当に快適です。
食べ物も素晴らしいです。 素晴らしいアヒルのハート料理とご飯と魚料理。... More
Akordu アコルドゥ
最近のワインランチ。 ワオ。 そのような美しい建物。 デザインはよく考えられています。 私はミニマリズムとシンプルさが大好きですが、同時にそれは本当に快適です。
食べ物も素晴らしいです。 素晴らしいアヒルのハート料理とご飯と魚料理。 シェフはスペインのムガリッツで働いていましたが、このレストランの料理には別の感覚がありました!
私はとても幸せで、この食事をたくさん楽しんだ。 場所、雰囲気、食べ物は日本でとてもユニークです。Amazing place!!
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevcheakordu #akordu #アコルドゥ #奈良 #kevchespanish TL4.26 @mimasis_design @hiroshi_akordu @suzukiyoshiyuki_ Less
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- Kevin Chen added a new meal Dinner at 鮨おばな at Sushi Obana (鮨おばな)
There are only a few places that exceed the perfection that is Sushi Obana in the winter season. 2 angles of that uni rice starter for good effect. Boom.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram... More
There are only a few places that exceed the perfection that is Sushi Obana in the winter season. 2 angles of that uni rice starter for good effect. Boom.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #sushi #鮨 #すし #おばな #鮨おばな #群馬県 #館林市 TL4.13 Less