Dinner at やまぐち

Dinner at やまぐち

at Yamaguchi (やまぐち) on 21 January 2022
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Italian food in Kyoto that utilises premium ingredients. The dishes are not especially fancy in presentation, but they were all outstanding... large portions for each course, properly seasoned and the killer for me was the unlimited karasumi topping for the pasta.. can't say no to that right? The crab and shirako pasta was the final straw and put my stomach to max fullness.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #グルメ #foodporn #東京グルメ #kevchekyoto #京都 #やまぐち #kevcheitalian #イタリアン料理 TL4.5-S M1*

Italian food in Kyoto that utilises premium ingredients. The dishes are not especially fancy in presentation, but they were all outstanding... large portions for each course, properly seasoned and the killer for me was the unlimited karasumi topping for the pasta.. can't say no to that right? The crab and shirako pasta was the final straw and put my stomach to max fullness.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #グルメ #foodporn #東京グルメ #kevchekyoto #京都 #やまぐち #kevcheitalian #イタリアン料理 TL4.5-S M1*