Dinner at Oshino

Dinner at Oshino

at Oshino on 3 December 2021
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2000 Monthelie-Douhairet-Porcheret Musigny
With tiny production, there are its pros and cons. Barely a quarter of a barrel made per vintage by the first winemaker of Domaine Leroy. The size of the production means that the winemaker has less juice to work with and ultimately the entire process is much less forgiving. The pros is that the because of the same scarcity, you know damn well the winemaker will do their best to make sure this is as good as they can make it.
The wine shows considerable concentration and density. Not a particularly showy wine, but there are some nicely layered Chambolle floral and fruit notes on top of a bedrock of mineral, smoke and black cherry. I think this has potential to be a sensational wine, but right now it's a bit settled.
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #musigny #montheliedouhairetporcheret #leroy

2000 Monthelie-Douhairet-Porcheret Musigny
With tiny production, there are its pros and cons. Barely a quarter of a barrel made per vintage by the first winemaker of Domaine Leroy. The size of the production means that the winemaker has less juice to work with and ultimately the entire process is much less forgiving. The pros is that the because of the same scarcity, you know damn well the winemaker will do their best to make sure this is as good as they can make it.
The wine shows considerable concentration and density. Not a particularly showy wine, but there are some nicely layered Chambolle floral and fruit notes on top of a bedrock of mineral, smoke and black cherry. I think this has potential to be a sensational wine, but right now it's a bit settled.
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #musigny #montheliedouhairetporcheret #leroy