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Oshino Singapore


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Koichiro Oshino



Foodle Reviews

on 04 Mar 2024

どうもありがとう 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

on 18 Jan 2022

One of my favourite sushi chefs and places in the world and this particular meal on my last trip back to SG was as close to singularity as I have experienced. The stars were fully aligned as shari and neta were finely intertwined and in absolute harmony. Look at the glistening nigiri before its ultimate demise in my stomach. So delicious! I will miss @k.oshino and @smoto10572 until next time! Boommmmmmm
#料理 #レストラン... More

on 03 Dec 2021

2000 Monthelie-Douhairet-Porcheret Musigny
With tiny production, there are its pros and cons. Barely a quarter of a barrel made per vintage by the first winemaker of Domaine Leroy. The size of the production means that the winemaker has less juice to work with and ultimately the entire process is much less forgiving. The pros is that the because of the same scarcity, you know damn well the winemaker will do their best to make sure this is as good as they can make... More

Recommended in Singapore


328 North Bridge Rd, #01-11, Singapore 188719


Open hours


+65 9012 3938

