Dinner at 天寿し

Dinner at 天寿し

at Ten Zushi Kyo Cho Ten (天寿し) on 13 April 2021
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天寿し 京町店
I have not really gotten into the Kyushu-mae style of sushi, but this place really hits the high notes and is the institution for anywhere West of Biwa-ko for me so far. No use of nikiri, and focusing on freshness rather than anything else. The akaika squid nigiri was unlike anything else. Amano-san is also really hospitable and I'm excited to go back again soon.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchesushi #tenzushi #天寿し #kokura #小倉 #kevchekokura TL4.65-G M1*

天寿し 京町店
I have not really gotten into the Kyushu-mae style of sushi, but this place really hits the high notes and is the institution for anywhere West of Biwa-ko for me so far. No use of nikiri, and focusing on freshness rather than anything else. The akaika squid nigiri was unlike anything else. Amano-san is also really hospitable and I'm excited to go back again soon.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchesushi #tenzushi #天寿し #kokura #小倉 #kevchekokura TL4.65-G M1*