Dinner at 中華寝台

Dinner at 中華寝台

at Chinese bed on 25 July 2022
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Nice little Embrazees from Vincent and Sophie Morey from plots at the lower end of the bill. Very enjoyable against the 2010 I had not long ago... Nice minerality and acidity to complement the dose of orchard and stone fruits.. 2010 Overnoy Chard was disappointing to be honest... yes it has a lot of 'purity', but that was about the extent... some chamomile and other white flowers.. and perhaps the food took a bit too much from the wine. 2015 Rousseau as a village wine is drinking super now... some of the 15s have been a bit too jammy for me but this had a nice mix if game meat, crushed red berries and spice. Can drink these now... but hold the 1ers and GCs
- 2011 Vincent and Sophie Morey Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Embrazees
- 2010 Pierre Overnoy Chardonnay
- 2015 A. Rousseau Gevrey-Chambertin
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