Dinner at すし佐竹 - Sushi Satake

Dinner at すし佐竹 - Sushi Satake

at Sushisatake (すし佐竹) on 25 October 2021
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His recent move just down the road from his old shop was a bit unexpected, but exciting at the same time. At the previous place, lunch was fast and ferocious, but well-balanced and delicious. Satake-san seems to have adopted a slightly different approach to his food, one which I will need a bit more time to decide which I prefer. Neta and shari are not dissimilar to before, with perhaps a slightly stronger emphasis on the vinegar this time around. Pretty good otsumami, especially the whale ham...
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchesushi #kevcheshiodome #すし #鮨 #寿司 #佐竹 #汐留

His recent move just down the road from his old shop was a bit unexpected, but exciting at the same time. At the previous place, lunch was fast and ferocious, but well-balanced and delicious. Satake-san seems to have adopted a slightly different approach to his food, one which I will need a bit more time to decide which I prefer. Neta and shari are not dissimilar to before, with perhaps a slightly stronger emphasis on the vinegar this time around. Pretty good otsumami, especially the whale ham...
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #kevchesushi #kevcheshiodome #すし #鮨 #寿司 #佐竹 #汐留