Dinner at 焼津市

Dinner at 焼津市

at なかむら on 1 April 2024
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As Spiderman... or was it Voltaire who said "with great power comes great responsibility"....? Well, whoever it was, Nakamura-san's inherited power from the temple that is Naruse comes with the greatest responsibility to ensure my stomach is screaming with joy. Fortunately for my stomach... or is it me??.... that is definitely screaming with joy as each piece of vegetable and fish is forever etched in still motion in the form of an ultimate tempura piece. Perfect crisp on the outside, moisture from the perfect steam on the inside, and just as importantly - superbly seasoned... created the tastiest fried globules one could ever hope for. Aside from eating at the temple itself of course... so much potential to come from this source of power... max boom!
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