Dinner at さえ㐂

Dinner at さえ㐂

at Kyoto Saeki on 16 December 2021
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南禅寺 さえ㐂
Tucked away just by the gates of Nanzenji, I was curious to try this place out. High quality otsumami, comparable to that if when I visited Saeki-san in Tokyo a couple of years ago. For me, the shari was on the light side, often overpowered by the nikiri and neta. Overall, service was great and the view of the gardens is indeed quite a nice sight until it gets dark. Interesting crowd, with generally a younger demographic in attendance.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchekyoto #kevche #グルメ #さえき #さえ㐂 #南禅寺 #京都 #すし #寿司 #鮨 #kevchesushi TL3.98-B

南禅寺 さえ㐂
Tucked away just by the gates of Nanzenji, I was curious to try this place out. High quality otsumami, comparable to that if when I visited Saeki-san in Tokyo a couple of years ago. For me, the shari was on the light side, often overpowered by the nikiri and neta. Overall, service was great and the view of the gardens is indeed quite a nice sight until it gets dark. Interesting crowd, with generally a younger demographic in attendance.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchekyoto #kevche #グルメ #さえき #さえ㐂 #南禅寺 #京都 #すし #寿司 #鮨 #kevchesushi TL3.98-B