Dinner at 焼肉 思食

Dinner at 焼肉 思食

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焼肉 思食
Some meat action in the heart of Akasaka in a shop that i would have walked straight past had it not been for the taisho standing out front... service was outstanding, but for me, yakiniku meats are pretty much the same anywhere... although the tongue was legit awesome. I didn't feel like I wanted to throw up after the meal, so that's a good sign! Wines were a nice surprise also.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #グルメ #foodporn #東京グルメ #kevcheyakiniku #yakiniku #焼き肉 #焼肉思食 #思食 #赤坂 TL3.93-B