Ramen Adventures on the web, IG, Facebook, and YouTube. Ramen and non-ramen, it’s all good.
Tokyo, Japan
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at 麺や厨 at 麺や厨
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at Tsuki Cafe at TsukiCafe
Miso ramen at Tsuki Cafe in the ferry terminal of Rishiri Island, Hokkaido.
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at 利尻らーめん味楽 at Miraku (利尻らーめん 味楽)
Burnt shoyu ramen at Miraku on Rishiri Island, Hokkaido.
These IG posts are all old. From a fun trip last year.
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at ラーメン喜来登 at Kiraito (喜来登)
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at 雨は、やさしく at Ame wa, Yasashiku (雨は、やさしく)
Miso ramen topped with liver paste and burdock tempura at Ame ha yasashiku in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at ANTCICADA(アントシカダ) at AntCicada (アントシカダ)
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at 中華そば 西川 at Chuka Soba Nishikawa (中華そば 西川)
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at まる恵中華そば at MARUE Sugamo (まるえ中華そば)
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- Ramen Adventures added a new meal Dinner at 丸福 荻窪本店 at Marufuku (丸福)
Tsukemen that inspired the world of Tsukemen at Marucho in Ogikubo.