Dinner at 博多一双

Dinner at 博多一双

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博多一双 (Hakata Isso in Fukuoka)

Isso serves a fantastic bowl. Opened by the Yamada brothers in 2012, their soup is more on the refined side. They use local fare, the soy sauce, pork, and green onions come from local makers, a sentiment that you feel most shops out here don’t adhere to. The soup is constantly moved between pots while cooking, creating what has been dubbed Ramen Cappuccino (their words, not mine).

I'm currently breaking down the Top 100 #hyakumeiten #百名店 shops from around Japan. This one is 28/100 on the West Japan list.

Full writeup on the #ramenadventures website. For all my #ramen posts head over there. Links are in the bio. Let's #slurp @ramenadventures
