Dinner at 田中商店 本店

Dinner at 田中商店 本店

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田中商店 (Tanaka Shouten in Adachi-ku)

Tanaka Shoten is a famous shop in the greater Tokyo area for Nagahama-style tonkotsu ramen, known for its traditional and open-late mentality. The trek to get there takes about an hour with five line changes. The shop is known for its long lines and small menu, but the trek can elevate a bowl from ordinary to extraordinary. The only outlying option is the red devil spice mix, a tangy dollop of spiced ground pork. Although the trek may not be for solo travelers, Tanaka Shoten is a great destination ramen in Tokyo.

I'm currently breaking down the Top 100 #hyakumeiten #百名店 shops from around Japan. This one is 77/100 on the Tokyo list.

This post was generated from my writeup over on the #ramenadventures website. For all my #ramen posts head over there. Links are in the bio. Let's #slurp
