- Naoki Hoshi added a new meal Dinner at Mr.Happy 神保町 at Mr.Happy 神保町店
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- Naoki Hoshi added a new meal Dinner at 車力門 ちゃわんぶ at Sharikimon Chawanbu
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- Naoki Hoshi added a new meal Dinner at うなぎ亭 友栄 at Tomoei
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- Naoki Hoshi added a new meal Dinner at 大和寿司 at Daiwa (大和)
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- Naoki Hoshi added a new meal Dinner at Tokyo, Japan at MAZ (MAZ)
📍Maz📍マス🏆Tabelog 3.85🏆Michelin⭐️⭐️
Congratulations @santiago.maztokyo on your ⭐️⭐️! What a beautiful course and journey!