- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at MAZ at MAZ (MAZ)
MAZ | Part II: Our culinary journey continued from extreme altitude to the deepest Amazon. 🇵🇪🌎🌽🍫🙌🏻
Corn・Dry Aged Beef・Huacatay 🌽
Corn... More
MAZ | Part II: Our culinary journey continued from extreme altitude to the deepest Amazon. 🇵🇪🌎🌽🍫🙌🏻
Corn・Dry Aged Beef・Huacatay 🌽
Corn puree, purple corn crisp, egg yolk string, smoked, dry-aged Yamagata-raised beef with half charred and powdered Peruvian huacatay (“black mint”).
◇パン: マカを練り込んだもの、とうもろこしのパウダーがけ🥖
‘Bread’ made from maca root flour, sprinkled with choclo (Peruvian corn) powder.
Mil Zuccardi (Mendoza, Argentina) 🍷
アンデスの森 ANDES FOREST 【3760 MASL】
Chaco・Beef Cheeks・Kiwicha 🥔
Nagano-grown purple potatoes that are salt-baked/steamed in a paste made from Peruvian chaco (edible clay) and salt.
◇牛頬肉 ペルーの唐辛子のソースに24時間煮込んだものキノコ、紫芋のピューレ、牛の出汁ソース、牛のハツを削ったもの、2色(黄色・茶色)のキウィチャをかけた 🥩
Beef cheek, braised for 24 hours in a Peruvian chili (mole) sauce, covered with mushrooms, purple potato puree, beef broth sauce, shaved beef hearts and two colours (yellow and brown) of kiwicha.
Garage Wine Co. Isidore Vineyard D.O. Maule Semillon 2020 | F3 (Maule Valley, Chile) 🥂
Cabuya・Guava・Coconut 🌵
Lemongrass granita, cabuya cactus nectar, coconut, quinoa and bahuaja nut ‘granola’
◇グアバ、銀杏、ターメリック 、ココナッツの泡 🥥
Guava, ginkgo, turmeric, coconut foam.
O-Tuber Oxalis Tuberosa 🍸
A ‘sweet wine’ made from fermented ocas (oxalis tuberosa) that are organically grown in Cuzco , Peru. O-tuber is the set pairing at both CENTRAL and MAZ for the HIGH FOREST course.
アマゾニア AMAZONIA【750 MASL】
Chunchu Cacao・Macambo ・Copoazu 🍫
◇コポアス 果肉のシャーベット
Copoazu pulp sorbet.
◇マカンボ 種のクレームブリュレ🍫
Macambo (white cacao) seed crème brûlée.
Macambo noodles. Had a delightful texture similar to moochi.
Gelée of cacao mucilage (the white pulp surrounding the cacao beans)
Chunchu cacao sponge cake.
Cacao nib paste
Q’Aqe 3685 MSMN🌿
A herbal bitters made with herbs, roots and other wild plants foraged near Mil, in Moray.
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at MAZ at MAZ (MAZ)
MAZ | Part I: Every meal I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying at MAZ has been absolutely delicious, and staff have generously provided both warm hospitality as well as their encyclopedic knowledge of the diverse biomes and produce of Peru🌎🇵🇪👏🏻.
◇アチオテオイルを合わせた白エビの下に球体のスビルリナ... More
MAZ | Part I: Every meal I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying at MAZ has been absolutely delicious, and staff have generously provided both warm hospitality as well as their encyclopedic knowledge of the diverse biomes and produce of Peru🌎🇵🇪👏🏻.
◇アチオテオイルを合わせた白エビの下に球体のスビルリナ 中にはイカスミのペースト 🦐
Spheres of green spirulina filled with ika-sumi (squid ink) puree, topped with shiro-ebi (white shrimp) flavoured with achiote oil.
◇イカスミのクリスプ 塩漬けしたイカ 🦑
Ika-sumi crisp, salt-cured squid.
El Esteco Brut Nature (Argentina) 🍾
◇ボタンエビと海老の頭のエマルション、パクチー入、 ハイビスカスの酢に漬けたキュウリ、ボリジの花 🌺
Botan-ebi in a prawn head emulsion with coriander, hibiscus vinegar pickled cucumber, borage flowers.
Zorah Vosik (Armenia) 🥂
◇タラバガニ 海老の頭のソース、バターナッツスクワッシュのカボチャ海藻のパウダー 🦀
Taraba-gani (red snow crab) and prawn head sauce, butternut squash, pumpkin seaweed powder.
◇南瓜の生地の上にウニ、キャラメルソース 🎃
Pumpkin fritter topped with uni, caramel sauce.
Alpamanta Breva Rose Syrah (Argentina) 🍷
Scallop・Sweet Potato・Grapara Leaf 🌿
Scallops, citrus sauce, makododake (water bamboo) and kinjisō.
◇サツマイモのスイートポテトの網、グラパラリーフという多肉植物 🍠
Above the scallop dish, a delicate mesh made with interwoven strands of satsuma-imo (sweet potato) topped with grapara leaves (from a succulent called “ghost-plant”).
Reta ‘Quebrada Seca’ Chardonnay 2019 (Limari Valley, Chile)🥂
Yellowtail・Persimmon・Chia seed🐟
Akita caught Inada (baby yellowtail), red chia seed-coated heart of palm and persimmon, finished with tonburi (‘mountain caviar’ - the seeds of summer cypress).
Octopus・Sea Grapes・Spirulina 🐙
Grilled octopus, cream of seaweed, octopus ink meringue, umi budoū (Okinawa sea grapes), okahijiki and blue spirulina foam.
Nichi Nichi Yamada Nishiki Kimoto (Nichi Nichi Shuzō, Kyoto) 🍶
[Nov’ 22]
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at 日本橋蛎殻町すぎた at Nihonbashi Kakigaracho Sugita (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎた)
Sugita | Part III: The nigiri section of our late autumn course featured a glittering ensemble cast of hikarimono✨🙌🏻(kohada, aji, iwashi) and standout performances from the shima-aji and the sawara warayaki💫. As always, the sake that Sugita-san selected for me were on point—his knowledge of sake and understanding of how it complements each... More
Sugita | Part III: The nigiri section of our late autumn course featured a glittering ensemble cast of hikarimono✨🙌🏻(kohada, aji, iwashi) and standout performances from the shima-aji and the sawara warayaki💫. As always, the sake that Sugita-san selected for me were on point—his knowledge of sake and understanding of how it complements each dish is outstanding🍶👏🏻! Massive love and respect to Sugita-san, @ladysushichef and the entire team for making every visit magical. 🙏🏻❤️🥰
The nigiri course and sake listed below 👇🏻
小肌 ✨🙌🏻
Kohada — iconic!
みむろ杉 木桶菩提もと 2021年度 東木桶-壱号 (今西酒造・奈良県) 💚
Mimurosugi Kioke Bodaimoto 2021 Tō-kioke No.1 (Imanishi Shuzo・Nara)
兵庫県明石産 真鯛 🐟
Akashi, Hyogo caught Madai (red sea bream)
森嶋 純米吟醸 山田錦 無濾過生原酒 (森島酒造・茨城県)
Morishima Junmai Ginjo Yamada Nishiki, Non-charcoal Filtered, Unpasteurised, Undiluted) (Morishima Shuzo・Ibaraki)
高知県産 シマアジ 💫
Kochi caught shima-aji (striped jack)
鯵 ✨🙌🏻
Aji (horse mackerel), a wonderfully fragrant hint of chives balancing the unctuous taste
鰆 (藁焼き)💫🔥
Sawara (Spanish mackerel), lightly grilled over hay.
春子 昆布締め 👼🏻
Kasugo (young sea bream) konbu-jime
マカジキ 🎣
Makajiki (Striped marlin)
日日 秋津山田錦 (日々醸造・京都府宇) 🤍
Nichi Nichi Akitsu Yamada Nishiki (Nichi Nichi Jozo・Kyoto)
愛媛県 白甘鯛 昆布締め 🐟
Aichi caught shiro amadai (white tilefish) konbu-jime
青森県大間産の中トロ 🎣
Chū-toro, from bluefin tuna line caught in Ōma, Aomori
鰯 ✨🙌🏻
Iwashi (sardine)
寒鰤の炙り 2枚重ね 🎣
Two layers of seared kan-buri (winter amberjack)
馬糞雲丹 🧡
Bafun uni
加茂錦 「すぎた 別選」(加茂錦酒造・新潟県) 🍶
Kamo Nishiki Sugita Special Selection (Kamonishiki Shuzo・Niigata)
赤雲丹 ❤️
Aka uni
あさりの味噌汁 🐚
Asari (clam) miso
穴子 塩で 🔥🧂
Anago, finished with salt
玉子焼き 🍳
#すぎた #sugita #tokyosushi #sakepairing #sushi #nichinichi #日日 #日々醸造 @nichinichi_sake #Mimurosugi #みむろ杉
[Nov ’22] Less
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at 日本橋蛎殻町すぎた at Nihonbashi Kakigaracho Sugita (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎた)
Sugita | Part I: I always look forward to visiting Sugita, my most beloved sushiya, but it’s the reservations that fall the late autumn months make my heart race with excited anticipation🍂💗! While the “prize😐” fish varieties (maguro & buri) are not yet at their peak, the cooling waters are abundant with the fish I love most — hikarimono... More
Sugita | Part I: I always look forward to visiting Sugita, my most beloved sushiya, but it’s the reservations that fall the late autumn months make my heart race with excited anticipation🍂💗! While the “prize😐” fish varieties (maguro & buri) are not yet at their peak, the cooling waters are abundant with the fish I love most — hikarimono (silver-back fish), and Sugita-san’s kohada and aji are epic👏🏻❣️ At this time of year, the katsuo (bonito), saba (mackerel), iwashi (sardine) have acquired a generous layer of fat and rich flavour as they migrate south from Hokkaido, the liver of kawahaji (thread-sail filefish) and anko (monkfish) are at their prime tastiness, and tara (cod) show off their bulging sacks of shirako (aka dadami in Akita)— nature’s most delicious “codpiece”🤭!
Ebiimo (lit. shrimp shaped taro), topped with karasumi & goma.
天美 純米吟醸 生 (長州酒造・山口県) ✨
Tenbu Junmai Ginjo, Unpasteurised (Choshu Shuzo・Yamaguchi)
北海道産 赤貝、大分県産 カワハギのお造り🐚
Hokkaido landed akagai, Ōita caught kawahagi (filefish)
大分県産 カワハギの肝醤油 🎣
Kawahagi kimo (liver) in shoyu
鱈の白子 冷たい出汁と柚で 🍆
Tara shirako (cod milt), in chilled dashi with yuzu
鯖、大葉、浅葱、ガリの海苔巻き 🐟
Saba (mackerel), ōba (shiso), chive, gari (pickled ginger) nori-maki
渡舟 2021 “テロワール”太田ノ谷 (府中誉・茨城県)🌾
Wataribune 2021 “Terroir” Ōtanotani (Huchu Homare・Ibaraki)
A limited edition, single origin sake made with an heirloom sake rice, Wataribune, which Huchu Homare revived from near extinction in the 80s.
穴子の白焼き 🤍
Anago shira-yaki - conger eel grilled without any tare or seasoning.
蛸の柔らか煮、からしで 🐙
Tako yawaraka-ni (simmered octopus), with karashi mustard.
あん肝と新政 陽乃鳥 貴醸酒「すぎた 別選」 😋
Ankimo (monkfish liver) with Aramasa Hinotori Kijoshu “Sugita Special Edition”.
北海道仙鳳趾産 生牡蠣 紅葉おろしとポン酢🦪
Senposhi, Hokkaido kaki (oysters) with momiji oroshi (grated daikon seasoned with
togarashi chili, which has a colour reminiscent of “red maple leaves”)
太刀魚の塩焼き 🔥
Salt grilled tachiuo (beltfish).
[Nov ’22]
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at Sushijin at Sushijin
Sushi Jin, Toyama Part II: There have been (literally) seismic changes since my last visit🫨. First, Kimura-san has reported that his restaurant only suffered minor damage during the Jan 1st earthquake—a huge relief🙏🏻. Second, as of June 2023, Sushi Jin has evolved to a stunning new concept and location, Tachigui Sushi JinJin (立ち喰い鮨人人)🍣.... More
Sushi Jin, Toyama Part II: There have been (literally) seismic changes since my last visit🫨. First, Kimura-san has reported that his restaurant only suffered minor damage during the Jan 1st earthquake—a huge relief🙏🏻. Second, as of June 2023, Sushi Jin has evolved to a stunning new concept and location, Tachigui Sushi JinJin (立ち喰い鮨人人)🍣. Knowing that this new challenge was being developed behind the scenes has provided some context to my dining experience at Sushi Jin…and peaked my curiosity🤔. I look forward to discovering what this maverick sushi chef is up to when I next return to Toyama😎.
The second part of our course continues👇🏻
富山県産 甘鯛昆布締めの炭火焼き きゅうりの塩昆布漬け 🐟
Charcoal grilled, Toyama caught amadai konbu-jime, salt & konbu pickled cucumber.
握り 富山県産 鮃の昆布締め 🐠
Toyama caught hirame (flounder) konbu-jime nigiri.
握り 紅ズワイ蟹 🦀🥶
Beni-zuwaigani nigiri.
Sweet, but super cold because the pre-prepped portions were served straight from the refrigerator.
鰤とノドグロのメスしゃぶしゃぶ 👯♀️🧅
Toyama caught buri and (female) nodoguro ‘shabu-shabu’, with tamanegi ponzu.
It’s usual to have nodoguro served raw, but Kimura-san said he wants to highlight the sweeter taste and softer texture of female nodoguro, which can’t be experienced when grilled.
青森県大間 本マグロの燻製 大トロ • 尻尾のコンビーフ 黒の塩 🔥
Ōma maguro kunsei (straw smoked) - ōtoro and tail meat ‘corned beef’ with black salt. (Not pictured—was delicious so must have hobbled it)
鱒の押鮨 🍣
Masu oshizushi - pressed sea trout sushi.
A speciality of Toyama, Kimura-san matures it for 5 days before serving.
握り 青森県大間産 本マグロの大トロ🎣🥶
Ōma maguro ōtoro nigiri
Served straight from the refrigerator, the texture was hard and unyielding, and it was far too cold to appreciate its natural aroma, flavour, or ambrosial, melting fattiness.
雄 ノドグロのねぎま 炭火焼き 🍢
Charcoal grilled nodoguro (male) negi-ma.
握り 穴子 😋
Anago nigiri
かぶす汁「魚のエスプレッソ」 🐟☕️
“Kabusu-shiru” (aka fish espresso)
Kimura-san adds katsuobushi, konbu and shrimp shells, and reduces the broth for 10-12 hours to concentrate the flavour—hence, his version is called fish espresso.
塩アイス最中 🍦
Toyama fresh cream and sea salt monaka
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at Sushijin at Sushijin
Sushi Jin • Toyama | Part I: Kimura-san is a self taught chef who is renowned for his idiosyncratic, renegade style of sushi, which showcases the seafood and produce of the Toyama region. He’s kinda the Joey Ramone of the sushi world. 🤘🍣⚡️
Our meal had moments of absolute brilliance (shiro-ebi, botan-ebi shabu-shabu, grilled nodoguro,... More
Sushi Jin • Toyama | Part I: Kimura-san is a self taught chef who is renowned for his idiosyncratic, renegade style of sushi, which showcases the seafood and produce of the Toyama region. He’s kinda the Joey Ramone of the sushi world. 🤘🍣⚡️
Our meal had moments of absolute brilliance (shiro-ebi, botan-ebi shabu-shabu, grilled nodoguro, Kimura-san!), less an optimum ones (mushy sumeshi, stone-cold ōtoro), but overall it was a memorable experience… and the sake pairings rocked! 🍶👏🏻💥
握り 富山県産 白エビの昆布締め 🦐
Toyama caught shiro-ebi konbu-jime (broad glass shrimp cured in kombu) nigiri.
The shari (quite mushy) is Toyama grown Koshihikari rice seasoned with rice vinegar, and the nikiri is made with a local soy sauce.
IWA 5 Assemblage 3 (Shiraiwa Co. Ltd・Toyama) 🖤
The best vintage I’ve had so far. Rich, complex with plenty of umami grunt, but tastes a bit flabby and oxidised when served chilled. Personally, I think IWA performs best enjoyed warm (heat to 45ºC and enjoy the transition of the aroma & flavour as it cools).
Kimura-san only serves Masuizumi (a famous Toyama sake) and IWA.
富山の湧き水と梅の茶碗蒸し 🌸🐣
Umeboshi chawanmushi, made with Toyama free-range eggs and natural spring water.
富山県産 鯵 芽ねぎ 生姜 🐟🫚
Aji cured with Toyama soy sauce, menegi (chives) and ginger.
握り 富山県産 牡丹海老 しゃぶしゃぶ 🦐♨️
Toyama caught botan-ebi shabu-shabu nigiri.
A signature dish. The perfect mid-point between cooked and raw. Wonderfully sweet and juicy.
いくらと雲丹と香箱蟹の小丼 🦀
Toyama caught seko-gani (egg laden female beni zuiwa-gani - red snow crab), with
ikura and bafun uni ‘kodonburi’ (‘small rice bowl’).
握り 富山県産 アオリイカ 🦑
Toyama caught aori-ika (bigfin reef squid) nigiri.
握り 富山県産 バイ貝 🐚
Baigai (Japanese babylon shell) nigiri, finished with sudachi and Toyama sea salt.
満寿泉 純米大吟醸 寿 Platina 生 (桝田酒造店・富山) 💛
Masuizumi Junmai Daiginjo “Kotobuki” Platina [Unpasteurised] (Masuda Shuzōten・Toyama)
青森県大間 本マグロの赤身とフクラギ (鰤) 玉葱醤油漬け ミルフィーユ仕立て🎣
Ōma maguro akami and fukuraki (the local name for buri) ‘millefuille’ cured in tamanegi shoyu (yellow onion brunoise marinated in Toyama soy sauce for 1 month)
#sushijin #鮨人 #toyamagourmet #富山グルメ #masuizumi #満寿泉 #iwa5 Less
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at SÉZANNE at SEZANNE (SEZANNE)
Picture perfect plates SÉZANNE 🤍🍽️
Course menu listed below 👇🏻
Louis Nicaise Brut Reserve Nv Premier Cru (Champagne)
Radius Beurre
Pacific Saury with Caramelised Onions And Green Olive
Langoustine with Celery
Marinated Ikurafrom Hokkaido with Cucumber and Horseradish
Shichiken Birōdo no Aji Junmai Ginjō
Malted Barley Sourdough... More
Picture perfect plates SÉZANNE 🤍🍽️
Course menu listed below 👇🏻
Louis Nicaise Brut Reserve Nv Premier Cru (Champagne)
Radius Beurre
Pacific Saury with Caramelised Onions And Green Olive
Langoustine with Celery
Marinated Ikurafrom Hokkaido with Cucumber and Horseradish
Shichiken Birōdo no Aji Junmai Ginjō
Malted Barley Sourdough with Brittany Butter
Akkeshi Oyster “Soup”
Saba “Escabeche” with Hamaguri
Miravale Rosé (Cote De Provence)
Brangelina’s wine. Lol!
Softshell Turtle from Hiroshima with “Sauce Blanquette”
Domaine Morey-Coffinet Chassagne Montrachet Blanc (Burgundy)
Crispy Skin “Kinki” from Abashiri, with Saffron from Ōita
Persimmon with Jasmine and Sauternes
Strawberries from Fukuoka with Burrata Cheese
#sezanne #tokyo #Michelin2stars #asiasbest50restaurants Less
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at SOWER at SOWER
PART I: As I’ve been catching up on one year+ overdue posts🫣, I thought about which meal I would most want to enjoy again. The answer is SOWER! 🍂
In fact, everyone who’s asked me for a recommendation in Kansai knows that this restaurant is my reflex response because it is a truly transportive and ridiculously delicious dining experience🙌🏻!... More
PART I: As I’ve been catching up on one year+ overdue posts🫣, I thought about which meal I would most want to enjoy again. The answer is SOWER! 🍂
In fact, everyone who’s asked me for a recommendation in Kansai knows that this restaurant is my reflex response because it is a truly transportive and ridiculously delicious dining experience🙌🏻! Shiga has long been one of my favourite destinations for sake and gastronomy adventures, but @coleman__griffin , Kathy and the collective team at SOWER are doing something really special that is totally worth the detour🥰. The restaurant is located within the L’Hotel du Lac, nestled between the lush mountains and expansive shoreline of Lake Biwa — I highly recommend booking one of the private guest villas so you can fully immersing yourself in this unforgettable, Kohoku region inspired culinary journey. 🏔️🐒🎣🐗🌿🌰🦐🍶
菅浦産手長海老 🦐🥂
Sugaura freshwater shrimp
Pairing: José Michel & Fils Brut Tradition
椎茸、鴨のハム、ベルガモット 🍄🦆
Shiitake, duck ham, bergamot
Pairing:初桜 晴 純米 日本晴 60%精米 火入 (安井酒造場・滋賀県)
Hatsu Sakura ‘Hare’ Junmai, 60% Nihonbare, Hiire [Pasteurised] (Yasui Shuzōjō・Shiga)
蓮子鯛、グリーントマト、塩漬けチリ 🐟🍅🌶️
Crispy renkodai (yellowback sea bream), green tomato, salted chili
根菜、黒ニンニク、アマゴの卵 🥔🧄🧡
Roots, black garlic, Amago (red spotted trout) roe
Pairing: 不老泉 山廃純米吟醸 うすにごり 生原酒
Furosen Yamahai Junmai Ginjō Usu-Nigori [slightly cloudy] Nama Genshu [unpasteurised, undiluted] (上原酒造・滋賀県)
鰤、卵黄、春菊 🎣🥚🌼
Yellowtail, egg yolk, chrysanthemum
Pairing: Finca La Despeinada Zombie
甘鯛、白菜、蕪 🐟🥬
Amadai, grilled cabbage, turnip
Pairing: Les Grandes Vignes Pin’Eau de Loire
美浜産鹿、茄子、エゴマ 🦌🍆🍃
Mihama deer, aubergine, egoma [ a shiso varietal]
Pairing: 2019 Celler Jordi Llorens ‘Blankeforti’ Garnacha Negra - Cabernet Sauvignon
鳥山椒 🐓🌱
Chicken sansho tsukune
栗と猪のご飯 🌰🐗🍚
Chestnut and wild boar rice
Pairing: 寿々兜 熟成三年古酒 (望月酒造・滋賀県)
Suzukabuto Jukusei Sannen [3yr aged] Koshu (Mochizuki Shuzō・Shiga)
無花果、塩アイス、山椒 🍦🌱🧂
Fig, salt ice cream, sansho oil
柿と生姜 🫚
Persimmon & ginger
最後の一口 🍪☕️
Last bites. Shiga bancha tea cookie, mochi covered with burdock coated sesame seeds Less
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at Cocoro at Cocoro
Last supper in New Zealand😭. Thanks so much to Makoto Tokuyama and the team at @cocoro_restaurant for the fantastic meal and great sake 🙌🏻🍶✨! I’m departing with memories of a glorious summer with family🥰🏖️☀️… and a full tummy of delicious New Zealand seafood🐟🦪🎣! Can’t wait to see you all again next... More
Last supper in New Zealand😭. Thanks so much to Makoto Tokuyama and the team at @cocoro_restaurant for the fantastic meal and great sake 🙌🏻🍶✨! I’m departing with memories of a glorious summer with family🥰🏖️☀️… and a full tummy of delicious New Zealand seafood🐟🦪🎣! Can’t wait to see you all again next Christmas! Less
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- Rebekah Wilson-Lye added a new meal Dinner at 天ぷら松 at Tempura Matsu
Part II: The food and service at Tempura Matsu is utterly charming and idiosyncratic. While second generation chef, Toshio Matsuno, deftly prepares each course, Mum flutters around the room, beguiling guests with friendly chatter and animated narratives about the ceramics used for each dish—every visit has been a veritable masterclass in the life... More
Part II: The food and service at Tempura Matsu is utterly charming and idiosyncratic. While second generation chef, Toshio Matsuno, deftly prepares each course, Mum flutters around the room, beguiling guests with friendly chatter and animated narratives about the ceramics used for each dish—every visit has been a veritable masterclass in the life and works of Rosanjin. Honestly, she’s a national F&B treasure! 🥰
The relaxed ambience, consistently good food and warm hospitality means that Tempura Matsu is loved by Japanese and international guests alike. It’s fairly easy to book, and I’m told that Toshio-san and his sister speak English (he worked aboard at illustrious restaurants such as Alinea and Charlie Trotter’s), so it’s a great option for overseas visitors. Just remember to bring cash as cards are not accepted. 🤓
Koppe-gani (the Kansai name for “seko-gani”) 🦀
小かぶらの水無炊き込み (口直し)
Puree of baby turnips with a hint of yuzu (palette cleanser) 🍋
Unagi jiyaki – the Kansai version of kabayaki (tare-glazed grilled unagi). It differs from the Edo-version because the eel is cut open from the belly (as opposed to the back) and then grilled (as opposed to steaming, adding the tare, then grilling). 🔥
Scallop and ginko tempura 😋
Taro and prawn tempura 🍤
Ganmodoki (deep-fried tofu dumpling) 🥟
氷の器入り自家製手打ち あゆそうめん
Homemade somen with ayu tsuyu on ice 🧊
Homemade warabi mochi with kuromitsu and kinako powder 🍯