Dinner at 日本橋蛎殻町すぎた

Dinner at 日本橋蛎殻町すぎた

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Sugita | Part I: I always look forward to visiting Sugita, my most beloved sushiya, but it’s the reservations that fall the late autumn months make my heart race with excited anticipation🍂💗! While the “prize😐” fish varieties (maguro & buri) are not yet at their peak, the cooling waters are abundant with the fish I love most — hikarimono (silver-back fish), and Sugita-san’s kohada and aji are epic👏🏻❣️ At this time of year, the katsuo (bonito), saba (mackerel), iwashi (sardine) have acquired a generous layer of fat and rich flavour as they migrate south from Hokkaido, the liver of kawahaji (thread-sail filefish) and anko (monkfish) are at their prime tastiness, and tara (cod) show off their bulging sacks of shirako (aka dadami in Akita)— nature’s most delicious “codpiece”🤭!

Ebiimo (lit. shrimp shaped taro), topped with karasumi & goma.

天美 純米吟醸 生 (長州酒造・山口県) ✨
Tenbu Junmai Ginjo, Unpasteurised (Choshu Shuzo・Yamaguchi)

北海道産 赤貝、大分県産 カワハギのお造り🐚
Hokkaido landed akagai, Ōita caught kawahagi (filefish)

大分県産 カワハギの肝醤油 🎣
Kawahagi kimo (liver) in shoyu

鱈の白子 冷たい出汁と柚で 🍆
Tara shirako (cod milt), in chilled dashi with yuzu

鯖、大葉、浅葱、ガリの海苔巻き 🐟
Saba (mackerel), ōba (shiso), chive, gari (pickled ginger) nori-maki

渡舟 2021 “テロワール”太田ノ谷 (府中誉・茨城県)🌾
Wataribune 2021 “Terroir” Ōtanotani (Huchu Homare・Ibaraki)
A limited edition, single origin sake made with an heirloom sake rice, Wataribune, which Huchu Homare revived from near extinction in the 80s.

穴子の白焼き 🤍
Anago shira-yaki - conger eel grilled without any tare or seasoning.

蛸の柔らか煮、からしで 🐙
Tako yawaraka-ni (simmered octopus), with karashi mustard.

あん肝と新政 陽乃鳥 貴醸酒「すぎた 別選」 😋
Ankimo (monkfish liver) with Aramasa Hinotori Kijoshu “Sugita Special Edition”.

北海道仙鳳趾産 生牡蠣 紅葉おろしとポン酢🦪
Senposhi, Hokkaido kaki (oysters) with momiji oroshi (grated daikon seasoned with
togarashi chili, which has a colour reminiscent of “red maple leaves”)

太刀魚の塩焼き 🔥
Salt grilled tachiuo (beltfish).

[Nov ’22]

#すぎた #sugita #tokyosushi #sakepairing #sushi