Dinner at Higashiyama Ogata

Dinner at Higashiyama Ogata

at Higashiyama Ogata (東山 緒方) on 8 January 2024
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Although branches of famous restaurants tend to be underwhelming, at Higashiyama Ogata you can enjoy the tranquil elegance, refined cuisine and graceful service that one associates with Kyoto’s renowned 2 star Michelin kaiseki ryori-ya Ogata… without all the hoopla of securing a reservation. 🤓

Our visit coincided with the snow crab season, so we were fortunate to experience the super luxe Taiza-gani course which starts after Nov. 6th each year. 🦀
Full menu and descriptions below: 👇🏻

お椀 小蕪 🥣
Ko-kabu - small turnip in dashi with white miso and yuzu sauce

先付 間人コッペ蟹、お酢ジュレ、もずく
Taiza Koppe-gani (female snow crabs from Taiza), rice vinegar and dashi gelée,
mozuku (Okinawan seaweed) 🦀

お造り 兵庫県明石産 平目、緒方式紅葉
Hirame sashimi, landed in Akashi, Hyogo, with an arrangement of autumn leaves 🍁

お造り 和歌山県串本 縞鯵、からし
Shima-aji sashimi, landed in Kushimoto, Wakayama, with karashi 🐟

揚げ物 岩手県産 河豚の白子の唐揚げ、山椒の実の醤油漬け
Iwate landed, fugu shirako karaage, with shoyu marinated sansho 🐡

Taiza-gani are presented to guests, before being prepared and grilled on a shichirin over Kishū binchō-tan 🔥

焼き物 間人蟹の胴
Grilled Taiza-gani・dō (section cut from the body/base of the leg) 🦀

十四代 吟撰 生詰
Juyondai Ginsen Namazume🍶

焼き物 間人蟹の脚 (後足)
Grilled Taiza-gani・ashi (middle section of a back leg) 🦀

爪酒 (焼いたラッキョ入り)
Tsumezake - crab claw in warm sake (made with grilled rakkyo-joint section of a leg) 🦀

焼き物 間人蟹の脚 (前足)、スダチ
Grilled Taiza-gani・ashi (middle section of a front leg), sudachi 🦀

焼き物 間人蟹の爪 (親爪)
Grilled Taiza-gani・tsume (front claw) 🦀

Tondabayashi ebi-imo. Ebi-imo cultivated in Tondabayashi, Osaka is renowned for having a soft yet sticky texture and smooth taste. In season between November and January, it is highly coveted among the top kaiseki restaurants in Kansai. 🥔

十四代 別撰諸白 白鶴錦 生詰
Juyondai Bessen Morohaku, Hakutsuru Rice, Namazume

Kani-miso and crab meat rice 🍚 🦀

Kujo negi (Kyoto varietal of Japanese green onion) udon 🍜 🌱

Grilled shibukawa kuri and kuzu (Japanese arrowroot), served with matcha. 🍵🌰

#higashiyamaogata #東山緒方 #kaisekiryori #懐石料理 #kyoto #snowcrab #ズワイガニ #taizagani #間人蟹 #juyondai #十四代