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King Seimen (キング製麺) Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Ramen, Tsukemen, Soupless Dandan noodles

Foodle Reviews

on 16 Apr 2024

キング製麺 (King Seimen in Oji, Tokyo)

King Seimen, a top Tokyo ramen shop, is known for its homemade noodles in a white shoyu broth with next-level wontons and aromatic sansho oil. The Koike group, which includes Nishino, President, and others, has been highly rated in the Michelin Guide, Tabelog, and various ramen magazines. King Seimen is the only shop in the group that makes their own noodles. The soup is a light, umami-rich broth made from dried fish, konbu, and katsuo. The wontons are... More

on 16 Feb 2024

a stop we made whilst waiting for our turn for gokan nearby, this ramenya also is worth seeking out for. notable for their wonton which was indeed one of the most notable wontons i’ve had in ramens thus far, serving 2 types, prawn and pork which are both equally well made encased in uber thin wrappers. very nice ajitama also with its rich orange yolk. soup was delicate and matched well with the homemade ‘chijire’ noodles (中太ちぢれ麺) which are noticeably thick, curly and chewier.... More

on 12 Aug 2023

We’re bringing one of Tokyo’s top shops to Germany! On October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2023, get ready for @ramenkoike_tokyo ‘s stellar bowl of tokusei ramen. We’re teaming up with Chris from @foodtechniqueberlin aka red bucket ramen to make this happen. Chef Mizuhara (@hiromitsu_mizuhara) and special guest Chef Iyama (@chikaraiyama) are excited to serve you!

Stay tuned for details about the venue!

on 14 Sep 2021

King Seimen. Get it with as many extra wontons as you can handle.

#wonton #wantan #wontan #wanton #howisitspelled

8 / 10
on 26 Mar 2020

Recommended bowl: Sano inspiration

King Seimen is run by Mizuhara-san, the master responsible for a couple of well-known shops, Nishino in Hongo-Sanchome and Koike in Kami-Kitazawa. Mizuhara-san grew up in Yokohama and often went to the famous IEKEI shop, Yoshimuraya, by bicycle when he was in junior high school. For the menu here he drew inspiration from Sano style ramen from Tochigi prefecture. In the soup is niboshi, kombu, and katsuobushi, similar to a light soup meant for soba or udon. Noodles... More

Recommended in Tokyo


Japan, 〒114-0022 Tōkyō-to, Kita City, Ōjihonchō, 1-chōme−14−1 高崎ビル 1階


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