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Takemasa Shinohara
Japanese Cuisine
Foodle Reviews
[한/日/EN] 2023.11 #銀座しのはら (Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Kaiseki restaurant serving “Shiga country cooking” in Ginza, Tokyo.
"시가현의 컨트리풍 요리"를 맛볼 수 있는 미슐랭 2스타 레스토랑 "시노하라" - 도쿄 긴자에 위치
★... More
[한/日/EN] 2023.11 #銀座しのはら (Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Kaiseki restaurant serving “Shiga country cooking” in Ginza, Tokyo.
"시가현의 컨트리풍 요리"를 맛볼 수 있는 미슐랭 2스타 레스토랑 "시노하라" - 도쿄 긴자에 위치
★ 今度行く機会のために"セーブ"をお忘れなく!(料理がおいしくなければ、掲載しません!)
“Shinohara” offers Japanese cuisine and is popular as "a place you’ll want to visit in every season”.
The menu features an Omakase course. The latest menu begins with a dish resembling 7 treasures using different ingredients such as abalone and sea urchin. The menu changes every month, from the appetizer, which is a greeting from the chef, to the 'Hassun', which is a seasonal delicacy based on Shiga's ingredients. Sake pairings are also very popular!
Reservations: OMAKASE
Budget: From ¥35,000
★ Don't forget to SAVE the post for your next visit! (You can expect to see only the best on our account)
해당 레스토랑에서 만나보실 수 있는 일본요리는 “계절이 바뀔 때마다 방문하고 싶은 레스토랑”이라고 불릴 정도로 많은 사랑을 받고 있습니다. 메뉴는 오마카세 코스 요리로 최근에는 전복, 성게 등 다양한 식재료를 사용하여 7가지 보물을 형상화한 요리로 코스를 시작하고 있습니다. 셰프의 인사말인 애피타이저부터 시가현의 식재료를 바탕으로 한 제철 별미인 ‘핫슨’까지 메뉴는 매달 변경됩니다. 요리와 같이 즐기실 수 있는 사케 페어링도 인기 있습니다.
예산 : 35,000엔부터~
★ 일본에 들르실 때 이곳을 방문하고 싶으시다면? 해당 포스트를 “저장”해 두시기 바랍니다!(맛없는 곳은 포스팅 안합니다! ) Less
[한/日/EN] #銀座しのはら(Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Japanese cuisine in Ginza.
긴자에 있는 미슐랭 2스타 일식요리 전문점, “시노하라”
一斉スタートの日本料理おまかせコースの中にはイクラ、伊勢海老、スッポンと言った豪華な食材を使った料理が出てくる。他にもトラフグの白子和え、淡路の鯛のお椀、春子鯛の握りなどが味わえ、店の顔とも言える... More
[한/日/EN] #銀座しのはら(Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Japanese cuisine in Ginza.
긴자에 있는 미슐랭 2스타 일식요리 전문점, “시노하라”
一斉スタートの日本料理おまかせコースの中にはイクラ、伊勢海老、スッポンと言った豪華な食材を使った料理が出てくる。他にもトラフグの白子和え、淡路の鯛のお椀、春子鯛の握りなどが味わえ、店の顔とも言える ”八寸”(約24cm 四方の木盆に海や山の旬の幸を数種類盛った贅沢な一品)もお客さんから大人気。料理と一緒にアルコールペアリングも可能。
★ 一回は行ってみたいと思いませんか?そう思ったら、"セーブ"をお忘れなく! (料理がおいしくなければ、掲載しません!)
The Omakase course is served to everyone simultaneously and includes dishes with stunning ingredients, including salmon roe, lobster, and Suppon. Other dishes include Tiger puffer fish milt, a bowl of Awaji sea bream, and young sea bream nigiri. The restaurant's "Hassun" (a luxurious dish consisting of several kinds of seasonal seafood from the sea and mountains served on a wooden tray measuring approximately 24 square cm) is also very popular with customers.
Reservations: OMAKASE
Budget: From ¥35,000
★ If the dishes look delicious, please hit the SAVE button! (You can expect to see only the best on our account)
해당 레스토랑의 오마카세 코스는 모든 사람에게 동시에 제공되며 연어알, 랍스터, 자라 등 평소에는 보기 드문 고급 재료등이 포함됩니다. 그 밖에도 참복 어백, 아와지 도미 덮밥, 어린 도미 초밥 등을 맛보실 수 있으며, ‘핫슨(바다와 산에서 나는 여러 종류의 제철 해산물을 약 24cm 크기의 나무 쟁반에 담아내는 고급스러운 요리)’도 손님들에게 인기가 높습니다. 요리와 함께 알코올 페어링도 가능합니다.
예산 : 35,000엔부터~
★ 요리가 맛있어 보인다면? 해당 포스트를 “저장” 해주시기 바랍니다! (맛없는 곳은 포스팅 안합니다!)
#omakasegurume #ミシュラン2つ星 #懐石料理コース #和食大好き #美食探訪 #東京探検 #銀座ディナー #twomichelinstars #kaisekidinner #japanesecuisinelover #finediningrestaurant #DiscoverTokyo #GinzaGourmet #미슐랭2스타 #가이세키 #일식러버 #파인다이닝레스토랑 #긴자맛집 #일식전문점 Less
2023.08 #銀座しのはら (Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Kaiseki restaurant serving “Shiga country cooking” in Ginza, Tokyo.
"시가현의 컨트리풍 요리"를 맛볼 수 있는 미슐랭 2스타 레스토랑 "시노하라" - 도쿄 긴자에... More
2023.08 #銀座しのはら (Ginza Shinohara/ 긴자 시노하라)
Chef: @ginza_shinohara
"Shinohara", a double Michelin-starred Kaiseki restaurant serving “Shiga country cooking” in Ginza, Tokyo.
"시가현의 컨트리풍 요리"를 맛볼 수 있는 미슐랭 2스타 레스토랑 "시노하라" - 도쿄 긴자에 위치
★ 一回は行ってみたいと思ったら"セーブ"をお忘れなく!(料理がおいしくなければ、掲載しません!)
The simultaneously-served Omakase course which uses premium ingredients is highly praised by customers for its "picturesque beauty". Recently, you can enjoy a number of autumnal sensations including sesame tofu, edamame marinated in rice wine, figs with sesame miso, Futomaki, and fried sweetfish.
Reservations: OMAKASE
Budget: From ¥35,000
★ If you’d like to visit the restaurant, please “SAVE” this post! (You can expect to see only the best on our account)
프리미엄 식재료를 사용하여 동시에 서빙되는 컨트리풍의 오마카세 코스 요리는 예술 작품을 연상시키는 아름다운 플레이팅으로 고객들의 찬사를 받고 있습니다. 최근 오마카세 코스에서는 참깨 두부, 청주에 재운 풋콩(에다마메), 미소 참깨소스를 얹은 무화과, 후토마끼와 은어 튀김 등 가을의 청취를 한껏 느낄 수 있는 요리들을 선보이고 있습니다.
예산: 35,000엔부터
★ 한번 가보고 싶다는 생각이 드셨다면? 이 포스팅을 꼭 “저장”해 주세요! (맛없는 곳은 포스팅 안 합니다!)
#ミシュラン2つ星 #懐石料理コース #和食大好き #美食探訪 #東京探検 #銀座ディナー #twomichelinstars #kaisekidinner #japanesecuisinelover #finediningrestaurant #DiscoverTokyo #GinzaGourmet #미슐랭2스타 #가이세키 #일식러버 #파인다이닝레스토랑 #긴자맛집 #일식전문점 Less
Rice with Japanese spiny lobster and baby sweetfish
Shinohara Ginza, Tokyo
#ginzashinohara #shinohara #tokyorestaurant #kaiseki #spinylobster #sweetfish #しのはら #銀座しのはら #東京グルメ #銀座グルメ #割烹 #東京割烹 #伊勢海老 #鮎 #氷魚... More
Rice with Japanese spiny lobster and baby sweetfish
Shinohara Ginza, Tokyo
#ginzashinohara #shinohara #tokyorestaurant #kaiseki #spinylobster #sweetfish #しのはら #銀座しのはら #東京グルメ #銀座グルメ #割烹 #東京割烹 #伊勢海老 #鮎 #氷魚 #日本料理 #東京日本料理
#michelin #tabelog #ミシュラン #食べログ #worlds50best #asias50best #アジアのベストレストラン50 #世界のベストレストラン50 #opinionatedaboutdining
#美味しいもの好きな人と繋がりたい #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #食べるの好きな人と繋がりたい Less
December at Ginza Shinohara. An overwhelming amount of food, all of it delicious. One of those “I go back as often as I can get in” places.
Ginza Shinohara 銀座しのはら 1st visit — one of the most highly rated kaiseki in Tokyo, the style kind of reminds me of Mizai, especially the beautifully presented almost flamboyant hassun. Really enjoyed the grilled dishes: duck, karasumi mochi and shirako. •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert... More
Ginza Shinohara 銀座しのはら 1st visit — one of the most highly rated kaiseki in Tokyo, the style kind of reminds me of Mizai, especially the beautifully presented almost flamboyant hassun. Really enjoyed the grilled dishes: duck, karasumi mochi and shirako. •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #ginzashinohara #tokyo #japan #japanesefood #kaiseki #銀座しのはら #東京 #日本 #日本料理 #懐石料理 Less
It was my extreme good luck to snag a cancellation at Shinohara. Another wonderful meal, just so playful and delicious. Some snapshots of mid-summer.
Just a small selection of the absolutely stunning meal at Shinohara. A place I’ve been trying to get in to for ages; I finally got a same day cancelled seat. The juxtaposition of top ingredients, flawless technique, and jovial chef with warm service was a real winner for me. Can’t wait to come back ... in six months when they have another open seat for me.
Chef Shinohara opened his namesake restaurant 4 years ago and shot like a rocket to Tabelog Gold level in four years. He excels in a creative cuisine presented very aesthetically. His flavours are restrained but this subtlety brings out the best of the main ingredient.
His signature dish, the suppon or softshell turtle, gets marinated, grilled on the Binchō-tan grill, re-marinated and charred one more time on the grill. The result is extraordinary. I have been told by regulars that the suppon... More
Chef Shinohara opened his namesake restaurant 4 years ago and shot like a rocket to Tabelog Gold level in four years. He excels in a creative cuisine presented very aesthetically. His flavours are restrained but this subtlety brings out the best of the main ingredient.
His signature dish, the suppon or softshell turtle, gets marinated, grilled on the Binchō-tan grill, re-marinated and charred one more time on the grill. The result is extraordinary. I have been told by regulars that the suppon is always on the menu but always different.
The Hassun (八寸), the decorative course, which sets the seasonal theme, was given the season decorated with Sakura in full bloom. Very beautiful and full of little tasty discoveries. There must have been at least 12 different little bits on it.
Some dishes are pure genius. Proof by example is his Monaka (最中). Normally a sweet dish made out mochi and filled with bean jam, gets served here with foie gras and a whisky jelly. This very unlikely pairing works extraordinarily well. Other Chefs also fill monaka with foie gras (like the famous Den in Tokyo), but I cannot recall ever having had a pairing with whisky.
Of course we had some Take 竹 (bamboo), sourced from Kyoto and dug out from almost 2 meters in the ground. Served on various dishes as a side, but prominently featured on the Gohan (御飯), the rice dish. A crunchy texture, warm in the core but still very juicy, simple perfection.
The main event was the hairy lobster on the counter during the meal alive, then cut apart, cooked and served in a wonderful dashi.
The restaurant is counter seating, 11 seats, with clean wooden lines and beautiful dinnerware.
I would gladly recommend this restaurant to anybody, however compared to some of its peers in Ginza, it is an unbelievable value for money. Less
Recommended in Tokyo
- Sushi Saitou (鮨 さいとう)
- Japan, 〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 1-chōme−4−5 ARK Hills South Tower, 1F
OAD 4Tabelog GoldWB50 Asia 2024 #60LL #1RR #44RR PRO #19.67RR USER #18.00Eatinerary's
55 Meals
- Hato (波濤)
- 5 Chome-7 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0825, Japan
OAD 93Tabelog BronzeRR #2065RR PRO #16.67RR USER #0.00
26 Meals
- Nihonbashi Kakigaracho Sugita (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎた)
- Japan, 〒103-0014 Tokyo, Chuo City, Nihonbashikakigarachō, 1-chōme−33−6 ビューハイツ日本橋 地下1階
OAD 9Tabelog GoldWB50 Asia 2024 #66LL #50RR #105RR PRO #19.33RR USER #17.50
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- Sazenka (茶禅華)
- 4-chōme-7-5 Minamiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0047, Japan
oOAD 18Tabelog GoldWB50 #93WB50 Asia 2024 #39LL #8RR #44RR PRO #19.67RR USER #18.00
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- Ode
- Japan, 〒150-0012 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Hiroo, 5-chōme−1−32 ST広尾 2F
OAD 155RR #5187RR PRO #14.55RR USER #0.00
16 Meals
2-chōme-8-17 Ginza, 中央区 Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 23:30
Wednesday: 17:00 - 23:30
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 23:30
Friday: 17:00 - 23:30
Saturday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 23:30
Sunday: Closed
+81 3-6263-0345