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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Pedro Sanchez


Modern Cuisine, Progressive

Foodle Reviews

on 04 Jun 2024

Hoy he comido naranjas y pétalos de rosa de aperitivo, peras oxidadas, coco y piña en los entrantes, alga nori a la meuniere como pescado, vainilla con la carne y lechuga y huevos pochados en los postres. Y, en medio, han convertido caviar en puré. Y han rellenado pimientos verdes cos ostras. Y me han servido la mejor pieza de molleja de ternera en años, simplemente hecha en la sartén y en su punto óptimo. Y ha sido todo tan bueno o mejor de como lo recordaba. El mago jienense perfilando y... More

on 06 Mar 2024

Jaen, Abril, 2017

A provar Bagá antes de Bagá.

on 24 May 2023

Sentir @bagajaen part II

- Oyster & Green pepper -
- Nori seaweed & Meunière -
- Sea anemone & Whipped cream -
- Trout roe, strawberry, tomato, camomile -
- Cod tripe, sheep butter, flowers -
- Cow & Vanilla -
- Lettuce, double cream, rice vinegar -
- Egg & Coconut -

Foodtastic experience by @sanchez_jaen 🥰


#Oadtop100 #thebestchefawards #foodtravel #finedining #michelinstars #gourmet... More

on 23 May 2023

Sentir @bagajaen part I

- Orange & Bottarga -
- Spicy pumpkin -
- Shrimps & Shiitake -
- Beetroot & Codium seaweed -
- Partridge & Caviar -
- Pear & Smoked eel skin -
- Coconut, pineapple, basil -
- Celery root & Hake -

Foodtastic experience by @sanchez_jaen 🥰


#Oadtop100 #thebestchefawards #foodtravel #finedining #michelinstars #gourmet #foodgasm #gastronogram... More

on 05 Apr 2023

Next stop in Spain was a little takeover of ⭐️ Bagá @bagajaen in the city of Jaén. Not much to say really other than it was sublime. A fun intimate experience with friends being cooked a menu of contemporary Mediterranean cuisine by chef @sanchez_jaen Pedro Sánchez and his small team. It felt more like a dinner party in someone’s home than a restaurant visit. Highly recommended.
Michelin Guide -⭐️
OAD - 5
W50B -
Best Chef Awards... More

on 26 May 2022

En #GurméJaén visitamos Bagá. La cocina de Pedro Sánchez a examen si es que tal cosa es posible.

“De la genialidad de la propuesta de Bagá creo que quedan pocas dudas a estas alturas de la película. Pedro y su equipo han construido un pequeño universo en el centro de Jaén con muchas virtudes y certezas – una cocina absolutamente personal y alejada de cualquier influencia, un total desprecio por las modas o las tendencias, el uso de productos poco habituales como protagonistas... More

on 04 Dec 2021

El señor de los olivos = genius.


on 24 Nov 2021

La fabulosa ortiguilla de mar asada con gazpachuelo de espinacas. (Bagá, Jaén)

De la genialidad de la propuesta de Bagá quedan pocas dudas a estas alturas de la película. Pedró Sánchez Jaén y el resto de su equipo (David, Mapy, Fran y compañía) han construido un pequeño universo en el centro de Jaén con muchas virtudes y certezas - una cocina absolutamente personal y alejada de influencias, un total desprecio por las modas o las tendencias, el uso de productos poco habituales como protagonistas... More

on 01 Oct 2021

If you see from my previous posts all the plates were wiped so clean 😆 well besides the sauces at @bagajaen were all so heavenly delicious that I did not want a single drop to be missed, they offered these olive oil bread in different flavors that were just impossible to stop eating.

They offered 3 flavors : plain olive oil bread, with black olives and tomato. The texture was similar to focaccia and they were super addictive and also handy for sauce mopping. Olive oil is a super important... More

on 24 Apr 2021

Recordo-me como se fosse hoje. Fui de Lisboa a Jaén num sopro: 800km de carro, para ir conhecer a sua cozinha. Viagem nervosa, com a Extremadura e um olival oceânico pelo meio, que só terminou - na verdade, estava apenas a começar a viagem...- à mesa do restaurante. D. Pedro Sanchez, que leva colado à alma e ao apelido, o nome da sua cidade e província, laborava, à época, num clássico da cidade. A coisa foi lânguida e épica. Mal cheguei, o seu companheiro Fran serviu-me vinho e os pratos... More

7 / 10
on 10 Mar 2018

Pedro Sánchez or Pedrito for his friends was the head Chef at Casa Antonio for more than a decade. Seven months ago he struck out on his own and cooks now in one of the tiniest restaurant I know. He barely fits 12 people into it. Steve and I had to sit on small bar stools which were put on the other side of the pass.
What is more astonishing is that his kitchen looks like the kitchen of a regular one bed room apartment. There is not ONE equipment which looks like it would be at home in a professional... More

Recommended in Jaén


C. Reja de la Capilla, 3, 23001 Jaén, Spain


Open hours


+34 953 04 74 50

