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- 4.07
Rei Masuda
Foodle Reviews
Tabelog 4.03 🇯🇵
Sushi Masuda is one of the best choices for overseas sushi lovers in my opinion. It is relatively easy to reserve, and the team consists of apprentices who speak good English and native Mandarin.
Chef Masuda’s CV is one-of-a-kind which encompasses experience in most influential Kyushu-mae and Edo-mae sushi restaurants in Japan – Tenzushi and Sukiyabashi Jiro. Needless to say, Chef Masuda’s team excelled in shari in a consistent manner. Thanks to the enhanced... More
Tabelog 4.03 🇯🇵
Sushi Masuda is one of the best choices for overseas sushi lovers in my opinion. It is relatively easy to reserve, and the team consists of apprentices who speak good English and native Mandarin.
Chef Masuda’s CV is one-of-a-kind which encompasses experience in most influential Kyushu-mae and Edo-mae sushi restaurants in Japan – Tenzushi and Sukiyabashi Jiro. Needless to say, Chef Masuda’s team excelled in shari in a consistent manner. Thanks to the enhanced kitchen since relocation in late-2022, the tsumami of Sushi Masuda 2.0 was elevated to kappo-level complexity and presentation.
The special course was truly enjoyable - the kawahagi was the best I have ever had in recent years. I strongly recommend this beautifully furnished sushiya in your next trip if you do not speak Japanese or look for a less uptight dining experience.
💴Budget: 48,400 yen
🐟 Neta: 9
🍙 Shari: 9⠀
🦪 Tsumami: 9
🍹Drinks: 9⠀
🏢 Vibes: 10
#luxurytravel#tokyofood#tokyo#japan#japanesefood#omakase#sushilovers#sushiomakase#sushi#東京美食#相機食先#美食#米芝連#米其林#nigiri#日本美食#香港美食#にぎり#東京グルメ#予約困難#壽司#鮨#すし#おまかせ#sushitime#yummy#jtfoodcation_jp #赤貝#鮪#tuna Less
[한/日/EN] 2023.11 #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
南青山にある江戸前鮨名店「鮨 ます田」
“Sushi Masuda”, a famous Edomae sushi restaurant in South Aoyama
미나미아오야마에 위치한 에도마에스타일 스시전문점 "스시 마스다"
すきやばし次郎での修行をした店主 増田氏が腕を振るう江戸前鮨を味わえるおまかせコースでは「握りのみ」、「握りとおつまみのコース」と2たつに別れている。シャリはすきやばし次郎流で、酢をしっかりと使い2種類の米をブレンドし鮨... More
[한/日/EN] 2023.11 #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
南青山にある江戸前鮨名店「鮨 ます田」
“Sushi Masuda”, a famous Edomae sushi restaurant in South Aoyama
미나미아오야마에 위치한 에도마에스타일 스시전문점 "스시 마스다"
すきやばし次郎での修行をした店主 増田氏が腕を振るう江戸前鮨を味わえるおまかせコースでは「握りのみ」、「握りとおつまみのコース」と2たつに別れている。シャリはすきやばし次郎流で、酢をしっかりと使い2種類の米をブレンドし鮨 ます田の独特的なオリジナルシャリとの事。産地を限定せず、「その日一番良き素材」を厳選したネタからは、旬の味を楽しむ江戸前鮨の粋を感じる。握り以外にもメヒカリ一夜干し、香箱蟹とバフン雲丹、メジマグロの塩たたきなどといったおつまみも絶品との事。
There are two Omakase courses - nigiri only or side dishes included - where you can savor traditional Edomae sushi prepared by the owner, Mr Masuda, who trained at “Sukiyabashi Jiro”. They use a sushi rice, influenced by “Sukiyabashi Jiro”, blending 2 types of rice with a dash of strong vinegar. The ingredients are carefully selected from the prime ingredients of the day, and you can feel the sophistication of Edomae sushi’s seasonal flavors. For example, the tuna is sourced from “Yamashin”, while the Torigai is from Aichi, and the meaty conger eel is from Tsushima. In addition to nigiri, the restaurant also serves excellent side dishes such as dried green eye, crab and sea urchin, and seared tuna.
Budget: From ¥44,000
Reservations: OMAKASE
해당 레스토랑에서는 스시를 다루는 사람이라면 누구나 들어가기를 꿈꾸는 "스키바야시 지로"에서 일한 경력이 있는 마스다 레이씨가 만드는 오마카세 스시를 맛보실 수 있으며 니기리만 제공되는 코스와 니기리와 츠마미 모두 제공되는 코스로 구성되어 있습니다.
니기리에 사용하는 샤리는 "스키바야시 지로"의 스타일을 기본으로 하고 있지만 2가지 품종의 쌀을 섞어 지은 밥에 식초를 충분히 흡수시켜 완성시키고 있어, 맛보시면 "스시 마스다"만의 독특한 개성을 느끼실 수 있습니다. 또한 원산지에 상관없이 그날 가장 좋은 상태의 제철 식재료를 엄선하여 사용하고 있어 에도마에스타일 스시의 정수를 느끼실 수 있습니다. 또한 초밥 외에도 말린 메히카리, 게, 성게, 구운 참치 등의 츠마미도 준비되어 있습니다.
예산 : 44,000엔부터~
예약 : OMAKASE Less
Modern sushi in the a modern building. Solid cooking and a price which you expect in this location.
[한/日/EN] #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
表参道駅から徒歩2分にある江戸前鮨店「鮨 ます田」
"Sushi Masuda", an edomae-style sushi restaurant a 2-minute walk from Omotesando Station
오모테산도역 에서 도보 2분 거리에 있는 에도마에 스시집 "스시 마스다"
檜の一枚板のカウンターも清々しい静謐な空間では、店主増田氏の修行場所「すきやばし次郎」にて学んだ伝統的江戸前鮨が味わえる。「鮨... More
[한/日/EN] #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
表参道駅から徒歩2分にある江戸前鮨店「鮨 ます田」
"Sushi Masuda", an edomae-style sushi restaurant a 2-minute walk from Omotesando Station
오모테산도역 에서 도보 2분 거리에 있는 에도마에 스시집 "스시 마스다"
檜の一枚板のカウンターも清々しい静謐な空間では、店主増田氏の修行場所「すきやばし次郎」にて学んだ伝統的江戸前鮨が味わえる。「鮨 ます田」のこだわりは日々〆め加減を調整するコハダとカリスマ仲卸「やま幸」から仕入れる天然本鮪。旬のおまかせコースの中では、毛蟹の茶碗蒸し、ヒラメ刺し肝醤油、蒸し鮑、秋刀魚焼き、半生イクラの軍艦巻き、雲丹軍艦巻き、大トロ、ハマグリのスープなどが堪能できる。料理と一緒にアルコールペアリングも可能。
★ 一回は行ってみたいと思ったら"セーブ"をお忘れなく!(料理がおいしくなければ、掲載しません!)
Enjoy traditional Edomae-style sushi that owner Masuda learned from his training at Sukiyabashi Jiro. Sushi Masuda's specialties are kohada, seasoned accordingly every day, and natural tuna from the charismatic intermediate wholesaler Yamayamako. The Omakase course let you enjoy hairy crab Chawanmushi, flatfish sashimi with soy sauce and liver, steamed abalone, grilled autumn swordfish, raw salmon roe Gunkan-maki, Otoro and more. Alcohol pairings are also available with dishes.
Alcohol pairings are available.
Budget: from ¥39,600
Reservations: OMAKASE
★ If you want to give this place a try, don’t forget to SAVE!(You can expect to see only the best on our account)
오너 셰프 마스다 씨가 “스키야바시 지로”에서 익힌 전통 에도마에 스타일 스시를 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다. “스시 마스다”의 특별 메뉴로는 매일 알맞게 간을 하는 코하다와 카리스마 넘치는 중간 도매상 야마야마코 씨에게서 공수하는 자연산 참치가 있습니다. 오마카세 코스에서는 털게 차완무시, 간장과 간을 곁들인 광어회, 전복찜, 가을 황새치구이, 연어알 군칸마끼, 오토로 등을 맛보실 수 있습니다. 요리와 주류를 페어링하여 즐기실 수도 있습니다.
예산: 39,600엔~
★ 도쿄에 오실 때 방문하고 싶으시다면? 잊지 마시고 저장해두시기 바랍니다!(맛없는 곳은 포스팅 안합니다!) Less
2023.08 #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
ゆったりと落ち着いた雰囲気の中で江戸前鮨を堪能できる「鮨 ます田」
"Sushi Masuda", where you can enjoy Edomae-sushi in a relaxed atmosphere.
편안한 분위기에서 에도마에 스시를 즐길 수 있는 “스시 마스다”
★... More
2023.08 #鮨ます田 (Sushi Masuda/ 스시 마스다)
ゆったりと落ち着いた雰囲気の中で江戸前鮨を堪能できる「鮨 ます田」
"Sushi Masuda", where you can enjoy Edomae-sushi in a relaxed atmosphere.
편안한 분위기에서 에도마에 스시를 즐길 수 있는 “스시 마스다”
★ 「美味しそう」と思ったら"セーブ"をお忘れなく!(料理がおいしくなければ、掲載しません!)
"Sushi Masuda" offers a calm atmosphere to enjoy Edomae sushi like Maguro sourced from Yamayuki. The rice and fish balance in the nigiri sushi, such as Kohada and Anago, is harmonious and flavorful. Aside from the nigiri, the side dishes are also highly recommended, such as Chilled steamed chawanmushi with crab and Mozuku seaweed, and steamed abalone.
Budget: ¥40,000~
Reservations: OMAKASE
★ SAVE this post if it makes your mouth water~(You can expect to see only the best on our account)
“스시 마스다”에서는 야마유키에서 공수해 온 참치 등의 에도마에 스시를 편안한 분위기에서 즐기실 수 있습니다. 니기리로 제공되는 전어, 장어 등의 스시는 밥과 생선의 균형이 매우 잘 맞추어져 있고 풍부한 맛을 즐길 수 있다는 평을 받고 있습니다. 츠마미로 제공되는 게와 모즈쿠 해초가 들어간 냉 차완무시찜과 전복찜 또한 추천 메뉴로 손꼽힙니다.
예산: 40,000엔부터
★ 사진을 보고 맛있겠다!라고 생각이 드셨다면? 포스트를 “저장”해주시기 바랍니다! (맛없는 곳은 포스팅 안합니다!)
#鮨職人 #東京探検 #おまかせ寿司 #青山寿司 #東京寿司 #鮨大好き #japanesesushi #tokyosushi #Aoyama #sushiomakase #DiscoverTokyo #sushichef #오모테산도 #초밥집 #초밥 #스시야 #도쿄스시 #일본스시 #쉐프 Less
Excited to try this place again after they closed down a couple of years ago. It's the same chef, different location and similar food. The neta was tasty, although I felt that previous place had a bit better balance with the shari... decent otsumami and a bit if a different vibe with the new digs.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie... More
Excited to try this place again after they closed down a couple of years ago. It's the same chef, different location and similar food. The neta was tasty, although I felt that previous place had a bit better balance with the shari... decent otsumami and a bit if a different vibe with the new digs.
#料理 #レストラン #東京 #食事 #food #foodie #foodstagram #stuffieat #kevcheeats #kevchetokyo #kevche #グルメ #foodporn #東京グルメ #kevchesushi #すし #寿司 #鮨 #ます田 Less
A very nice dinner at this place run by one of Jiro Ono's disciples.
Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/12/japan-2018-day-5-evening-in-aoyama.html
Second leg of the Tokyo sushi series. Outstanding Shirako and Ankimo
Recommended in Tokyo
- Sushi Saitou (鮨 さいとう)
- Japan, 〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 1-chōme−4−5 ARK Hills South Tower, 1F
OAD 4Tabelog GoldWB50 Asia 2024 #60LL #1RR #44RR PRO #19.67RR USER #18.00Eatinerary's
55 Meals
- Hato (波濤)
- 5 Chome-7 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0825, Japan
OAD 93Tabelog BronzeRR #2065RR PRO #16.67RR USER #0.00
26 Meals
- Nihonbashi Kakigaracho Sugita (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎた)
- Japan, 〒103-0014 Tokyo, Chuo City, Nihonbashikakigarachō, 1-chōme−33−6 ビューハイツ日本橋 地下1階
OAD 9Tabelog GoldWB50 Asia 2024 #66LL #50RR #105RR PRO #19.33RR USER #17.50
31 Meals
- Sazenka (茶禅華)
- 4-chōme-7-5 Minamiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0047, Japan
oOAD 18Tabelog GoldWB50 #93WB50 Asia 2024 #39LL #8RR #44RR PRO #19.67RR USER #18.00
30 Meals
- Ode
- Japan, 〒150-0012 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Hiroo, 5-chōme−1−32 ST広尾 2F
OAD 155RR #5187RR PRO #14.55RR USER #0.00
16 Meals
Japan, 〒107-0062 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, 港区Minamiaoyama, 5 Chome−5−8−11 BC南青山PROPERTY 地下1階
Tuesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 17:00 - 23:00
Friday: 17:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 17:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 17:00 - 23:00
+81 3-6418-1334