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Average rating from 2 meals 8 / 10
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Luis Valls


Creative, Modern Spanish

Foodle Reviews

on 09 Apr 2024

Valenciana @elpoblet_qd

- Citrus journey -
- White prawn, beetroot, zucchini, hollandaise -
- Black pudding, koji, green peas, mint -
- Eel, merengue, demi glace -
- Snail rice, rabbit, red pepper, roe, bell pepper -
- Wild rabbit, grapefruit, liver, mushroom -
- Saffron, goat cheese, citrus -
- All about pumpkin -
- White chocolate & citrus -

By @luisvallsrozalen

on 03 Jul 2023

Highlights from a very special dinner @elpoblet_qd in Valencia
A great introduction to the two Michelin-star cuisine of @luisvallsrozalen , the impeccable front-of-house service under @anabottle.sancheese and wine selection by @orioolb
Some of the dishes here in the pictures:
“White chocolate, strawberries and orange blossom”
“Sweet potato skin, foie gras and malt whiskey” (so, so good!)
“Cuttlefish and garrafó”
A... More

on 14 Feb 2023

Old town @elpoblet_qd

- Cured meats -
- Oyster, mustard, anice, yogurt -
- Grilled bobby bean coca -
- All about onion -
- Langoustine, moscatel, orange -
- Albufeira crabs -
- Eel (reeds and mud) -


#Oadtop100 #thebestchefawards #foodtravel #finedining #michelinstars #gourmet #foodgasm #gastronogram #foodie #restaurant #chef #delicious... More

8 / 10
on 29 Aug 2018

El Poblet was Quique Dacosta’s original haut-cuisine restaurant in Denia where he has started his career in 1988. After he renamed the restaurant for Quique Dacosta Restaurante, the El Poblet name and concept with a selected team was moved to the centre of Valencia in 2012.
The kitchen of El Poblet is lead by Head Chef Luís Valls, the maitre of the house is Manuela Romeralo Zamorano.
The restaurant develops a very innovative and committed market cuisine with few elements of its mother house,... More

Recommended in Valencia


C/ de Correus, 8, 46002 València, Valencia, Spain


Open hours


+34 961 11 11 06

