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Ramen Eiji (ラーメン英二) Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 20 Mar 2023

小 / Shō / Ramen Jiro Hitotsubashi Gakuen - Kodaira, Tokyo

Jiro style ramen consists of tonkotsu-shoyu soup (medium-high emulsification) with thick house-made noodles, pork fat, extra vegetables (moyashi / cabbage) and garlic. The small size bowl comes with 300-350 grams of noodles (pre-boiled).

Ramen Jiro Hitotsubashi Gakuen is the 43rd Jiro branch to open overall and the 22nd located in Tokyo. The master trained at Ramen Jiro Kanda Jimbocho. 11 seats. Open since August 11th, 2022

on 22 May 2022


Occasionally, a Jiro-style shop does a soupless version of their garlic-laden beast. This is music to my ears, as it is my style of choice. Give me the garlic and give me the fat. You can keep that soup to yourself. Another perk is the liberal use of junky toppings. Cheese, raw eggs, and various flavor enhancers here I come!

Full write up on my website.

@ramenadventures #ラーメン #らーめん #日本 #日本のラーメン... More

8 / 10
on 23 Feb 2021

Recommended bowl: For Jiro lovers

Master Ogawa-san loves Jiro style and first worked at Ramen Jiro Fuchū before also training at Ramen Dai, another famous Jiro style chain. The Jiro style ramen here is served with tonkotsu-shoyu soup and thick cut house-made noodles. Freshly chopped ginger add-on topping is recommended. For a favorite amongst regular customers, try the 'Shirunashi' (without soup). Ramen Eiji open since 2014. Twitter @ra_meneiji

Recommended in Tokyo


Japan, 〒183-0057 Tokyo, Fuchu, Harumichō, 3-chōme−1−22


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