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Chuukasoba Ranchuu (中華蕎麦 蘭鋳) Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 02 May 2024

中華蕎麦 蘭鋳 (Ranchu in Honancho)

The author visited Ranchu, a popular ramen restaurant in Nerima, and ordered the nikusoba, a spectacular bowl with a rich, meaty pork. Shichisai's chashu is considered the best in the city, but Ranchu's chashu is considered the gold medal. The author recommends trying both ramen places, as they can be easily ridden between them on a bicycle. The author is loving these automatic IG writeups.

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8 / 10
on 12 Jul 2020

Recommended bowl: Pink chashu

This small shop is easy to miss if you aren’t looking for it. Some vines out front with a discreet entrance. One sole master working the kitchen. The bowls have a fishy, niboshi-heavy base, with a mostly clear soup. The chashu is pink and comes in large slices. Mikawaya Seimen noodles topped with fresh bamboo shoots. This isn’t a flashy shop but it has a good reputation and a strong following amongst ramen heads.

Recommended in Tokyo


2 Chome-13-13 Horinouchi, Suginami-ku, Tōkyō-to 166-0013, Japan


Permanently Closed



