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Average rating from 2 meals 8 / 10
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Tohru Nakamura


Modern Cuisine, Japanese Contemporary

Foodle Reviews

on 01 Dec 2021

Ozaki wagyu, koshihikari rice, egg plant and myoga. One of the stunning new dishes at @tohrunakamura new fine dining restaurant at @schreiberei_muc in the center of Munich. Opens today. All my best wishes to Tohru and the amazing team @markus.klaas_ @burgundysidrink 🙏🏻#foodgasm#foodie#foodtraveller #foodstagram #foodporn #foodinmunich

8 / 10
on 01 Dec 2021

First evening of the new restaurant by Tohru. A very central location, warm wood decor and a well oiled team, in the kitchen and in the front of the house.
Tohru’ s cuisine is heavily influenced by Japan, which is not really surprising given the fact that his father is Japanese.
However, he manages it to integrate those influences into his own style so it does not taste and appears as a cheap copy.
The food is well layered and the combination of flavors create enough tension to make each... More

Recommended in Munich


Burgstraße 5, 80331 München, Germany


Open hours


+49 89 21529172

