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Average rating from 3 meals 7.7 / 10
Photo Views: 360
Restaurant Views: 1,459
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Modern Cuisine, French


Jonathan K. Berntsen

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 12 Sep 2018

Outstanding and delicious dinner with lots of yummy trickery again with brilliant focus on wine parring

8 / 10
on 21 Jun 2018

Sensational wine parring to terrific flavors in this intimate place (be seated in the front)

7 / 10
on 11 Nov 2017

Jonathan K. Berntsen had to change location in a hurry and establish himself into a space which is not easy. Small with one part on a raised level it is hard to create a really cosy atmosphere.
However, when it comes to his food there is no questions that this is an ambitious attempt at creating some special.
Interesting flavours, creative, sometimes artistic presentation is combined with near to perfect execution.
The wine pairing very well done, from the Jacquesson to Brigit Braunstein from... More

Recommended in Copenhagen


Øster Farimagsgade 8, 2100 København, Denmark


Permanently Closed


+45 91 92 72 30

