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びんびん亭 ユーロード店 Tokyo


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Foodle Reviews

on 19 May 2023

山盛り薬味ラーメン / Yamamori Yakumi Ramen / Hachioji Ramen Tsukemen Senmonten Binbintei — Hachioji, Tokyo

Hachioji style ramen. The soup contains simmered crushed pork bones, vegetables, fruits, gyokai, dark shoyu tare and lard. Medium thin noodles are ordered from a local Hachioji purveyor. Topped with pork shoulder chashu, diced onions, menma and nori. The onions are sourced directly from farmers in Hokkaido.

Binbintei was originally founded in Hachioji in 1988, known as a local... More

Recommended in Tokyo


11-1 Yokoyamachō, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0081, Japan


Open hours


+81 90-3244-3337