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Average rating from 2 meals 7 / 10
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Fabio Pisani and Alessandro Negrini


Italian Contemporary, Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 26 Dec 2021

Soup of fruits, vegetables, legumes, condensed milk (Salvaderi producer) and basil from Pra’
The Storico Ribelle 10 years aged cheese from Val Gerola, with Paceco ‘tenerume'
Acqua bruciata of lemons from Amalfi with cherries reduction
A fantastic meal at Aimo e Nadia in Milan. A restaurant that I've been trying to visit for months and months but with one thing or another either me or them have had to cancel. So I was very happy to finally visit and it was well worth the wait. Tasting menu... More

on 26 Sep 2021

Soup of fruits, vegetables, legumes condensed milk (Salvaderi producer) & basil from Pra
Acqua bruciata of lemons from Amalfi with cherries
The Storico Ribelle 10 years aged cheese from Val Gerola, with Paceco ‘tenerume’
A fantastic meal at ⭐️⭐️ @aimoenadia Aimo e Nadia in Milan. A restaurant that I've been trying to visit for months and months but with one thing or another either me or them have had to cancel. So I was very happy to finally visit and it was well worth... More

on 05 Jan 2020

A very solid meal in Milan to close out our time in Italy (and Europe). Started by Aimo and Nadia Moroni in 1962 as a simple trattoria, Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia has become one of the most revered restaurants in town with 2 Michelin Stars. Their daughter Stefania is now at the helm of Il Luogo, alongside Chefs Fabio Pisani and Alessandro Negrini as they continue on 50+ years of excellence.

The focus of the kitchen has always been on top-quality ingredients and it clearly showed from the first... More

Recommended in Milan


Via Privata Raimondo Montecuccoli, 6, 20147 Milano MI, Italy


Open hours


+39 (02) 416886

