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Average rating from 3 meals 8.7 / 10
Photo Views: 269
Restaurant Views: 2,251
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Luigi Taglienti


Modern Cuisine, Progressive Italian

Foodle Reviews

on 05 Jan 2020

LUME Milano (Italian word for light) by Chef Luigi Taglienti certainly fits the atmosphere and ambience with shades of white throughout the restaurant. Some of the dishes are refined versions of traditional Italian classics with very precise cooking and plating. The food was sensational as evidenced by receiving a Michelin star just within months of opening and the winner of “best new restaurant” during the 2017 OAD European award ceremony.
Lume, Milan (Sept 2019)
#visitmilan #lumemilano #italy... More

9 / 10
on 13 Oct 2018

This time trying the sensational white truffle medley and once again with perfect execution of classics a wonderful experience!

9 / 10
on 01 Sep 2018

Sensational lunch trying the chefs interpretations of the classic Milano kitchen passed with flying colors and even trying the first truffle of the season. This will soon be two stars and even see more on the horizon

8 / 10
Top list
on 16 Nov 2017

Chef Luigi Taglienti creates a menu full of innovation and surprising combination of flavours.
He uses acidity in perfection to enhance any underlying flavours.
All of this served in an ultra cool space in an industrial part of Milano.
Worth a journey.

Recommended in Milan


Via Giacomo Watt, 37, 20143 Milano MI, Italy


Open hours


+39 02 8088 8624

