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Zum Goldenen Kalb Munich


Average rating from 1 meal 4 / 10
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Steak restaurant Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

4 / 10
on 02 Sep 2019

US steakhouse in Munich. They have the normal fare but then you pick up to 30 different cuts from their aging fridge. The variety is big, but the quality lacks and does not justify the prices, which are painful. €158 for a 500g Bavarian Fleckvieh, which was quite chewy. The Simmenthal filet was overcooked but was, when we pointed this out, taken off the bill.
The winelist is comprehensive but like always in Germany very expenisve.

Recommended in Munich


Utzschneiderstraße 1, 80469 München, Germany


Open hours


+49 89 23542292

