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Luckas Bo Schultz Jensen


Smørrebrød, Danish

Foodle Reviews

on 08 Jan 2025

Fried filet of plaice with shrimps, mayonnaise & lemon

7 / 10
on 12 Nov 2017

Smorrebrod is a Nordic open sandwich that’s missing one piece of sourdough rye bread, or rugbrød.

Nordic rye bread tastes quite different than US rye bread and doesn’t rely on caraway seeds for flavor, but on cracked whole grains, nuts and a sourdough starter. The result is a dense but soft, slightly sour, nutty bread that’s firm enough, with the assistance of butter, to hold seafood or meat and cheese. Various vegetables, pickles, onion, caviar, dill, lemon, capers or heavy cream are... More

Recommended in Copenhagen


Palægade 8, 1261 København, Denmark


Open hours


+45 70 82 82 88

