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T+T Taipei


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Johnny Tsai


Asian Contemporary

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 23 Jun 2023

Fun dinner at the 1-star serving tapas-style dishes where they reinterpret classic Taiwanese fare. Pretty tasty. Some room for improvement but a fun meal. Also some Singaporean influence here.

Full account of the dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2023/06/taiwanese-tapas.html

on 04 Oct 2021

Juice selection.
• Henri Giraud Blanc de Craie. Fresh, mineral and creamy. Just delightful.
• Antoine Jobard Meursault Les Tillets 2017.
• Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue Chambolle-Musigny Premier Cru 2001.

#wineanddine #wine #winelover #winetasting #winetime #winelife #instawine #winestagram #champagne #champagnelover #champagnelife #burgundy

on 08 Jun 2021

Second last dining out before semi lockdown and I was with incredible company! Shared experiences are better experiences. So blessed to meet some of the most talented and highly motivated people!!! I’m looking forward to our cake party hopefully soon.
Always a joy to come back to @tplust_tw ❤️Thank you Johnny and @kei_koo for the additional treats! #tillwedineoutagain

#黯然銷魂飯 #tplust #taipei #taiwan... More

Recommended in Taipei


No. 11號, Lane 165, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105


Open hours


+886 2 2719 9191