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Continental Seoul


Average rating from 1 meal 10 / 10
Photo Views: 38
Restaurant Views: 2,206
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Foodle Reviews

on 27 Aug 2018

A summer specialty of Apple Mango Bingsu (Korea's beloved shaved ice dessert) at The Library inside the Shilla Hotel. This milky shaved ice is overloaded with a generous amount of the highest quality apple mango from Jeju Island. So delicious!
The Library at Shilla, Seoul (Aug 2017)
#shillahotel #visitsouthkorea #visitseoul

10 / 10
Top list
on 27 Aug 2017

Simply the finest, most elegant meal of Korean cuisine I have ever had. Completely breaks the stereotypical image of Korean cuisine all about chili and everything is red because of gochujang.

Of course, getting VIP treatment from the chef and the hotel doesn't hurt, either!

Full description of our dinner is here:

Recommended in Seoul


249 Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea


+82 2-2233-3131

