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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Ed Dutton


Modern French

Foodle Reviews

on 24 Dec 2022

leek and Keens Cheddar Tart, Baby Gem Lettuce, Mustard
Gougeres and Chedder
Smoked Cod Roe on Toast
Another example of someone throwing off the shackles of the Michelin starred dining room to offer a more casual “rustic & convivial” atmosphere is Mathieu Germond, formerly co-owner, manager & incredible sommelier at London stalwart Pied à Terre.
Noizé (named of a tiny village in the Loire where Mathieu’s grandparents ran a farm) is right up my street and ticks all the boxes for... More

on 16 Dec 2021

Another example of someone throwing off the shackles of the Michelin starred dining room to offer a more casual "rustic & convivial" atmosphere is Mathieu Germond, formerly co-owner, manager & incredible sommelier at London stalwart Pied à Terre. @noize_restaurant (named of a tiny village in the Loire where Mathieu's grandparents ran a farm) is right up my street and ticks all the boxes for me. A solid team of cooks are behind the stoves cooking seasonal dishes with bold combinations... More

9 / 10
on 30 Mar 2016

My second visit to Dabbous and although the headline is that the dishes on this occasion were not as explosive as the first visit, this is understandable as the set menu for lunch was opted for this time as opposed to the showcase tasting menu. It proved to be a superb option and easily one of the best Michelin starred set menu packages that there is available and it is a winner for anyone that likes food and wants a degree of casuality about the process at the same time.

Getting straight to... More

Recommended in London


39 Whitfield St, Bloomsbury, London W1T 2SF, UK


Open hours


+44 20 7323 1310

