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EPUR Lisbon


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 47
Restaurant Views: 1,860
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Vincent Farges



Foodle Reviews

on 27 Jul 2020

O @vincentfarges salvou a quarentena algumas vezes com o takeaway do @epur_vincentfarges. Prometi que mal acabasse o confinamento iria lá celebrar a recém-adquirida liberdade e agradecer a entrega de comida perfeitamente no ponto. É uma alegria ir a um restaurante e ter todos os momentos do menu perfeitamente impecáveis, delicados e muitíssimo saborosos, sempre com ponto espectaculares (sobretudo o peixe e marisco). O @epur_vincentfarges traz um bocadinho de... More

on 18 Feb 2020

E depois,
seguiu-se ambrosia.

on 12 Jan 2020

Snacks que valem um almoço

8 / 10
on 06 Jun 2019

We found ourselves a couple of days in Lisbon, and one of these days was on my birthday. So naturally we found ourselves gravitating towards fine dining. No tables at any of the Michelin restaurants, this restaurant seemed interesting.
Opened in 2019 (as far as I can see) – this restaurant is lead by Vincent Farges a French chef that have worked in over 10 years in Portugal before opening Epur.
Interior we were amazed to see so much inspiration from the kitchen we know form Copenhagen. The furniture... More

Recommended in Lisbon


Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas Artes 14, 1200-289 Lisboa, Portugal


Open hours


+351 21 346 0519

