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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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French, Creative, Innovative

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 29 Apr 2022

Masamasu Kato, another very young, 29 year old, protege of Ishikawa-san, is heading up this latest addition to the Ishikawa group, the restaurant jinen. It is located close to the Shibuya station on the ground floor of the house of a friend of Ishikawa-san. There is a grand entrance leading up the front door, the dining room is long with tables along the wall. Opposing these tables are stations which act as a final plating and dish preparation space. This all makes it very interactive, a counter... More

on 17 Sep 2021

Jinen. 1st visit — the newest addition to the Ishikawa group. Nice setting of a long dining room with a semi-private section and view of the backyard, almost like someone’s living room. The final preparation of most dishes were done at a station in the dining room by chef Kato san (who used to work at Noma and INUA), which was interesting to watch. Favorite dishes were the abalone somen, quail with rice and quail egg, and mushroom risotto. Good wine list too. •

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