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nineOfive Munich


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 16
Restaurant Views: 1,074
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Pizzeria Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 23 Jan 2020

Here is an interesting concept. A restaurant focusing on wine (over 700 positions on the wine list!), fairly priced and with very interesting selections. When thinking about this concept, Daniel (the sommelier) and Florian (the owner) thought they pair the wine list with food everybody loves - pizza. But not any pizza, they apply German engineering precision to their pizza dough and the baking process. The result is incredibly good, it certainly matches the results of the best pizza places in Tokyo.... More

Recommended in Munich


Herzogstraße 29, 80803 München, Germany


Permanently Closed


+49 89 5484 9556

