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Restaurante DOMO Eurobuilding Madrid


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Foodle Reviews

on 29 Nov 2022

1. Baby spinach a puree from “Lamb cooked “a la inverse” and a year around the fig tree” 2. @rgborago 3. “Rock Sequence: Sunflower sea star, jib-jib and cuttlefish, Picoroco pulmay smoked on tepú” @boragoscl @inresidence_es

on 28 Nov 2022

“Deer crude aged in beeswax and cured in peumo tree”. One of the most original dishes of the menu @boragoscl @inresidence_es @rgborago

on 27 Nov 2022

The inventive and fascinating cuisine of @rgborago @inresidence_es pairing the Chilean Spring with the Spanish Autumn. “Loyo and maqui mini-magnum”, “Atacama bitter plants on a “Chirimoya Alegre””

Recommended in Madrid


C. del Padre Damián, 23, 28036 Madrid, Spain


Permanently Closed


+34 913 45 61 60

