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Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 08 Aug 2022

ラーメン + 餃子 / Ramen + Gyoza / Ajino Hōrai / Nakameguro, Tokyo

Old school shoyu soup uses mostly chicken carcasses. Topped with pork chashu, bean sprouts, menma, negi and wakame. Housemade gyoza on the side, with over 100 different dishes on the menu. All rice used is from Niigata Prefecture.

Master Shinoda-san's father founded Ajino Hōrai in Ebisu in 1974, later moving the shop closer to Nakameguro in 1984. Eventually when he could no longer work, Shinoda-san's mother took over... More

on 16 Apr 2020

Back at Horai, since it was the second meal we stuck to the raw offerings. All great, well seasoned and flavoured. Interesting sashimi at Katsuo (bonito) with whale and Shirasu tempura.

6 / 10
on 18 Nov 2019

Lokal Izakaya, great food, good prices and possibility to order a la carte.

Recommended in Kyoto


Japan, 〒605-0062 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, 京都府京都市東山区新橋通大和大路東入三丁目 林下町438


Open hours


+81 75-561-2834

