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Average rating from 4 meals 8.5 / 10
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Kobe Desremaults



Foodle Reviews

on 05 Feb 2021

Satsuma, timut pepper.
Saint-Félicien cheese.
Sadly most likely my last visit to @chambreseparee in Ghent before it closes for good as was always the plan. It was as good as ever and I can’t wait to see what @kobedesramaults has planned for the future. I’ll be the first one in line to eat his food again.

Michelin Guide - ⭐️
OAD - 20
W50Best - 111
#achefabroad #itravelforfood #foodie #foodies... More

8 / 10
on 10 Oct 2018

I love the development of Chambre Separee. Last time, the crew was obviously understaffed and Kobe had to work like a machine. This time the pace was more relaxed and not as gruelling,
The menu has evolved and includes extraordinarily three meat courses, goat, beef and duck. All well sourced and perfectly executed.
Even though all of the dishes are prepared on the open fire heath, the flavours are dominated by smoke like in other fire driven establishments.
It is das that this place will shut... More

7 / 10
on 04 Jul 2018

a long and excruciating dinner with open flames and no air conditioning when outside temperature is 30C. 20 courses, most of which were fine, but too few bites of magic and satisfaction.

Full account of dinner is here: http://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/07/europe-2018-day-5-hellfires-of-ghent.html

on 02 May 2018

Extensive Juice Pairings: Berries | Nasturtium and sorrel | Rhubarb and lemon | Soda of elderflower and geranium | Hibiscus | Fresh cherries and gooseberry | Lovage with fermented berries and rosehip | Infusion of coffee beans, beetroot, and thyme | Different cuts of aged lamb, kohlrabi, and coriander infused foam | Tea | Ice tea, lavender, and pine | Soda made from rose petals
Chambre Separee, Gent (July 2017)
#chambreseparee... More

on 17 Oct 2017

Loved it, so sad that it closes

10 / 10
Top list
on 16 Oct 2017

Chambre Séparée is the new place of Chef/Owner Kobe Desramaults in Gent. It will be certainly one of the longest pop-up in culinary history and it is safe to say it is arguably already one of the best. The building the team from In de Wulf moved into, will be torn down in three years and the team then will dissolve itself.
So still time to go, but don't let it go for too long.
The space they created is a counter seating restaurant with 20 seats of which half gets filled twice during service.... More

Recommended in Ghent


Keizer Karelstraat 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium


Permanently Closed


+32 57 44 55 67

