
3rd and last act of the Vladimir Mukhin day in Moscow. In the same building where White Rabbit is houses, on the ground floor there is the lab, where VM and his fellow Chef alternate cooking for a small group of people. `
It sourced from the same suppliers then the WB restaurant, but executed by 6 Chefs in a more experimental way.
All dishes are well... More


We had a most pleasurable meal probably the best in our life (and we are experienced dinners who ate at Michelin restaurants). The food was creative and delicious. Extremely esthetic and fun. The atmosphere was brilliant, and the service was very good. The wines were exquisite, and the price was very reasonable for what we got. We will definitely come... More


Ferran Adrià just entered the building! However his name now is Aitor Zabala and the building is not Cala Montjoi but in Los Angeles.

This place is as close as it gets if you want to re-live an El Bulli meal. It is modernised, maybe a little less experimental but very very good.

A simple dish, which gets served in any cheap bar, pan con tomate y... More


We had a most pleasurable meal probably the best in our life (and we are experienced dinners who ate at Michelin restaurants). The food was creative and delicious. Extremely esthetic and fun. The atmosphere was brilliant, and the service was very good. The wines were exquisite, and the price was very reasonable for what we got. We will definitely come... More


We had a most pleasurable meal probably the best in our life (and we are experienced dinners who ate at Michelin restaurants). The food was creative and delicious. Extremely esthetic and fun. The atmosphere was brilliant, and the service was very good. The wines were exquisite, and the price was very reasonable for what we got. We will definitely come... More


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