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Tempura Kusunoki Nagoya Nagoya


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Foodle Reviews

on 07 Jun 2021

Kusunoki Ichihara くすのき市原 — a new location in Nagoya recently opened by the second chef at Kusunoki Tokyo. Same interior design but a bit more open and brighter. Same style of weightless tempura, although the seasoning was too light in the beginning. Turning point was the sweet corn (which was also my favorite bite), the second half of the meal was perfectly seasoned. Most interesting ingredient was the baby dragon fruit, slightly slimy texture similar to okra. •

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on 15 Feb 2021

Kusunoki くすのき 2nd visit — this place remains my favorite tempura restaurant in Tokyo so far and the winter menu is even more amazing than my last visit: crab, tora fugu and shirako 3 ways (grilled, boiled and tempura). Seasonings included salt, mushroom purée and daikon daishi sauce, which are on the lighter side but complements perfectly the airy and weightless texture of tempura here. •

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Recommended in Nagoya


Japan, 〒461-0012 愛知県名古屋市東区相生町37


Open hours


+81 52-933-6877



