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Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 16 Feb 2024

2024 is shaping up to be a big year for @hotel_the_mitsui_kyoto’s restaurant @_toki_kyoto_. Helmed by Tetsuya Asano, the modern French restaurant expresses the culture of Kyoto in dishes based on the theme of the region’s famously pristine, soft water. Toki was included in this year’s Michelin Kyoto guide, and last month Chef Asano was selected to represent Japan in the prestigious @bocusedor competition. A tremendous achievement!

To celebrate, Toki hosted... More

8 / 10
on 18 Nov 2023

French restaurant inside the luxurious The Mitsui Hotel in Kyoto. Counter seating overlooking the cooking space of the 7 chefs working there.
The ingredients are all Japanese, but the cooking is French.
Delicious dishes in a beautiful setting.
The wine pairing of Mr. Kobayashi was dominated by French wines but contained some interesting and tasty wines.

Recommended in Kyoto


284 Nijōaburanokōjichō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0051, Japan


Open hours


+81 75-468-3166

