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YUZUKI (弓月) Kanazawa


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Shio, Shoyu, Tantanmen

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 09 Jun 2020

Recommended bowl: Mild tantan, yuzu shio

New-school style shop with a sleek interior, and multiple bowls on the menu, including shoyu and shio ramen with yuzu, as well as tantanmen. The clear soup options use a broth of pork and chicken, and the shop makes its own fresh yuzu paste. The tantanmen uses a sesame based soup along with chili oil, ground pork, menma, mizuna and negi. Noodles are special ordered. Inspired by AFURI, as well as other new-school style shops. Located near Kanazawa station,... More

Recommended in Kanazawa


5-6 Konohanamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0852, Japan


Open hours


+81 80-9870-2563