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Chisou Nakamura (馳走なかむら) Fukuoka


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 928
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Ratings from the web



Japanese Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

on 12 Apr 2024

Awabi, asparagus & cymbidium goeringii in tomato jelly

on 11 Apr 2024

Deep fried anago with perilla, tatsia sprout

on 11 Apr 2024

Fave bean salad with tofu sauce, butter burstem Maria TWD pram soy sauce, wasabi leaf with tako, Japanese egg roll omelet

on 11 Apr 2024

Matsubagani boiled fiddlehead, dashi broth

on 10 Apr 2024

Simmered bamboo shoot & sea bream roe

9 / 10
Top list
on 19 Apr 2023

A beautiful and delicious kaiseki dinner in a sukiya setting. The chef's wife writes the daily menu in beautiful calligraphy, then spent a long time using Google Translate to present us with a handwritten menu in English. That is real hospitality!

Wonderful seasonal flavors, of course. Of particular note is the hassun, presented so beautifully as two mandarin ducks swimming in water. The beef dish at the end with seasonal sansho flowers was amazing.

Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2023/04/japan-michelin-tour-2023-day-5-sukiya.html... More

Recommended in Fukuoka


2-10 Tsumashōji, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 812-0020, Japan


Open hours


+81 92 292 7663



