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Restaurant Gorilla Copenhagen


Average rating from 2 meals 5.5 / 10
Photo Views: 14
Restaurant Views: 1,545
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 21 May 2020

This is my second review of Gorilla
Basically, I feel the same after this experience as the first time. Mediocracy and the negative connotation of modern.
But I had to bring some of my non-gourmet friends out. I thought it as about time they experienced something like an eating experience which was not a steakhouse or a burger-joint.
Middle of the road Gorilla seemed to fit the frame. Inexpensive yet a proper many course meal.
The wine menu also entails natural fermentation – which these guys... More

5 / 10
on 28 Jun 2018

Copenhagen is a restaurant mecca. Especially the mid-range priced restaurants where you can get a set menu for less than 500 kr (The now closed one-star Michelin restaurant relæ was incredibly in that range)

There are some chains that specialize in that mid-range. We have Cofoco (noticeable in their chain is Llama) we have Copenhagen Concepts, who was initiated by one of the godfathers of modern cusine in Denmark, Francis Cardenau (who gave Denmark’s its first two star Michelin restaurant with... More

Recommended in Copenhagen


Flæsketorvet 63, 1711 København, Denmark


Open hours


+45 33 33 83 30

