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Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 11 Nov 2017

A cobblestone road led us to Copenhagen’s Knippelsbro bridge. Plastic tarps were fastened to shield us from the cold air. It was November in Copenhagen, after all.

We were greeted Noma-style, with one big happy cheer at the entrance. Inside, 60 diners were seated elbow to elbow at one long wooden table for a pop-up dinner titled, Noma Under the Bridge.

Noma was closed during their relocation to their new building, so this pop-up dinner series was born. The last time I saw some of the Noma... More

Recommended in København


Knippelsbrogade 10, 1409 København K, Denmark


Permanently Closed