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Bar la Una Copenhagen


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 14 Nov 2020

Bar La Una is a small trattoria in Vesterbro in Copenhagen with narrow seatings and few things on the walls and no interior consistency. And just pretty damn amazing.

Italian styled with a small but packed menu. You can go a la card or set menu.
Usually we go set menu - but that evening between lock downs we decided to go a la card. Mostly because I read a 5 out of 6 star review by Søren Frank where he among others recommended the porchetta which was not on the set menu that day.
With no sparkling... More

Recommended in Copenhagen


Oehlenschlægersgade 53A, 1663 København, Denmark


Open hours


+45 31 33 90 37

