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Sirocco at The Lebua Hotel Bangkok


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 26 Oct 2014

This is one of the most impressive views whilst having a bite to eat that can be gained anywhere in the world. The skyview bar is merely a few steps away for pre-dinner or after dinner drinks and although you might think you would be able to simply go from the bar to Sirocco as it’s so close for a bite, you have no chance if this was left to a spontaneous decision as tables here get booked up well in advance. I would not expect an amazing food experience if you went here, but nor would it be a... More

Recommended in Bangkok


State Tower Bangkok, 1055 ถนน สีลม แขวง สีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพมหานคร 10500, Thailand


+66 2 624 9999

