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Beer Hima (Chatuchak) Bangkok


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Southern Thai

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 05 May 2024

Beer Hima, also known as Panya Seafood - Beer Hima, is a family-style seafood restaurant in Bangkok specializing in Southern Thai cuisine and seafood, known for serving beer chilled to the point of becoming icy and foamy. They have live seafood on display and offer various seating options, including an open-air zone and an air-conditioned room. Some dishes are very good, such as stir-fried banana prawns with salt and steamed sea bass with soy sauce.

Recommended in Bangkok


12/12 Thetsaban Songkhro Rd, Khwaeng Lat Yao, Khet Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand


Open hours


+66 2 954 3404